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Last video update, so um I got an A on that school project video was for so yay c: now let us begin with

(chromiecraft logo zooming in) so BWL recently opened and you know what that means baby, I farmed
my ass off for those elixirs just so everyone could reject my kind offerings :( like even AH didn't want
them so they would always end up in my mail even with reasonably low prices so yeah, instead of getting
some cash money I went bankrupt when I paid for that sweet duo spec just to never really use it since its
trash cuz I would always have to go to stable master to get my dino nugget back, and the ability that lets
me call any pet from the stable so yeah, I wasted my 800 gold I have worked for very hard

but back to the BWL preparings, since I am new to WOW and I have only recently started learning about
wonders of raiding and what not, it was time to deepen my knowledge and abandon any kind of real life
events to pursue one and only true goal which is known as "no lifer"

Now I should talk a little bit about the server I am currently playing on, so Chromiecraft is bliz like
progressive server which means even tho it is classified as WOTLK server we are still only in classic era
and new content is slowly coming out every few months or so which, based on my probably very wrong
calculations and progression map on their site, means we will get wotlk only in 1 year and 8 months,
MAYBE nevertheless Community is nice, GMs are nice, most of the tanks are, still being arrogant but
aside from that it has been great, there are these things called brackets which basically means current
max level so now it's 60 level bracket which means that max level is 60 wow who would have thought !
now back to the BWL grind, I mean you watched the part of my 2 hour herb gathering already so, my
bank is full of flowers so that means I can get off my computer and embrace what is called "grass"? NO,
we are only half way there since I have to gather fire res gear since one of the officers said all DPS should
have at least 100 unbuffed and that is a no good since I have like 20 FR also when I look up the items or
quest online I always end up on wowhead which got DISCONTINUED in my country because we have bad
traffic or somethin so I have to use other sites which provides me with little to no infos on the thing I am
looking for which is understandable since everyone is using wow head but whatever I can always use half
working vpns and then MAYBE i will get the info I wanted, and spoiler alert: yes I did, so one of my good
guildies (ludson) told me about the duke hidraxon which has annoyingly "long" quest line, which isn't
that long compared to other quest line there is out there but this one is annoying since he lives over
here and flight master is like over here and also there is swimming so what the fuck, but anyways after
doing all the quests we will berewarded with relatevly ok ring with FR another spoiler: we didn't ge tthe
ring on time since it will need you to go to MC twice and I started this way too late so yeah, back to the
story, when I realized I won't be able to obtain ring on time I have asked my good guildie whether 100 fr
is nescesary since I am a ranged DPS and he was like don't worry about it, so I got my alt mage up to
work for some fire prot potions and also found out there is this troll in winterspring that has you kill
mobs for their so called Eko which she in return gives you Juju which serves as battle/guardin elixirs
based on eko you gave to her and we would need to commit bear genocide which is a win win situation
here becaused I would nevertheless need their meat for the food that is really good for AP users. Now
with juju, potions and gear I farmed with my guildies in dungeon I was pretty sure BWL would be no
problem. oh and also shout out to my guildie Anatomy who sent pretty good guide on BWL bosses so I
was now ready to face the almighty nefarion ... so we wiped on the first boss, no biggie then the legend
came in our aid (1:18) ad we succesfully killed the first boss, thank you Zelfie we will always be in your
debt, the second boss is known to be luck based ad that's because we couldn't watch out for our threat
and this boss selects the highest threat mana user and gives them debuff which death can't be
prevented only prolounged. We wiped, many times but in the end with the help of ours repair bot
( proveri jel riddiana stavljao macku) we conquered yet another boss in this foul dungeon.

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