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What is Efficiency

● Efficiency is the ability to accomplish something with the least amount

of wasted time, money, effort or competency in performance.
● The term "efficiency" refers to the peak level of performance
that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest output.
Efficiency requires reducing the number of unnecessary
resources used to produce a given output, including personal
time and energy.
Importance of Efficiency
● Efficiency is important because it ensures that an assembly line keeps
producing as many goods as possible in a given time period, increasing
productivity and potential profits.
● Builds confidence
● Brings money
● Being incentives
Maagrace Efficiency and Performance
In Maagrace Efficiency and performance are perceived to be very important
which is why all workers are required to:
a. Write hourly their gum sheet.
b. Prepare from work about the day's activities at work so you are happy
to work.
c. Listen to managers in the line.
d. Committee to achieving targets
e. Talk less during working hours
When you do this you will earn:
a. Group Efficiency
b. Individual Efficiency

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