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QUIZ #4 heart diseases

NCM 09 – BSN 2
1. Identify the two types of heart defects and make a Ven diagram
for the illustration of your explanation or discussion. (15 pts.)
2. Enumerate the risk factors for the heart diseases dividing them
into modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors in a table format.
(10 pts.)
3. Identify the most common clinical findings for heart diseases
whether it is acyanotic or cyanotic heart diseases. (10 pts.)
4. Enumerate the diagnostic / laboratory to diagnose and confirm
heart diseases /defects. (5 pts.)
5. Discuss briefly the planning and management in general for heart
diseases (10 pts.)
6. What are the expanded roles of nurses (aside for the nursing care)
for the family and clients with heart diseases? (5 pts.)

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