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Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Instructions to Candidates:

You are a Foundation doctor in the Emergency Department.

You will be supplied with details about a recently admitted

patient, together with blood gas results, X-ray and ECG.

At 5 minutes, or sooner if you are ready, the examiner will ask

you questions.

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Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Station Information
Station Reference Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Station Title Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Student Description none

Author no author

Year Group Practice 1Med Stations

Clinical Domain Cardiovascular

Clinical Competency Data Interpretation

Information for Site Organisers

Type of patient required:

Resources and equipment needed:

Patient info sheet
X-ray image
Blood gas results
Candidate pink notepaper, black pens and clipboard in case the candidate wishes to make notes

Chairs x 2

Setting up the station:

Station requires two chairs (candidate and examiner) and a table large enough to accommodate all data
sheets such that they can be arranged side-by-side. Please ensure that all data sheets are clearly displayed.

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Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Information for the Examiner

What is the overall aim of this station?
This station assesses the candidate's data interpretation and clinical reasoning skills, and applied clinical

Examiner’s role:
Please ensure all the data sheets are clearly visible for the candidate as soon as they enter the station.

After 5 minutes (or earlier if the candidate is ready) please ask the candidate the following:
1. What do each of the test results show?
2. In light of the clinical history, what differential diagnoses might this suggest?
3. How would you manage this patient?

Standardisation is important. Whilst you may clarify the candidate’s responses to the questions above, please
do not ask supplementary questions of your own.

What is expected of the candidate?

The results show:
• ECG: V4-V6 T wave inversions. RBBB (student should be asking for old ECGs)
• ABG: Type 1 Respiratory failure
• X-ray: pulmonary oedema (bilateral airspace shadowing and effusion on right, the left CP angle isn’t
Possible differentials include:
• Bilateral Pneumonia +/- CCF (effusion)
• NTEMI with CCF
• Non cardiogenic pulmonary edema - infections/drygs/ARDS etc
Oxygen, Diuretics, morphine, inotropic support

Marking Guidance: if you award a global judgement below 'Excellent', it is

extremely important you provide constructive feedback on key areas the candidate
should develop further i.e feedback which justifies the grade awarded.
In general, the excellent candidate will produce a near flawless performance. If you give a global score
of less than 7, it is important to give feedback about where the candidate could improve.
The excellent / good candidate typically…
• Will be able to promptly and accurately report the key findings for each of the data provided.
• Will be able to link these findings to the clinical history to explain what is likely to be happening /
likely diagnoses.
• Will be able to answer the examiner questions confidently and accurately.
The satisfactory candidate typically…
• Will be able to promptly and accurately report some of the key findings for each of the data
• Will be able to link some of these findings to the clinical history and will attempt to explain what is
likely to be happening / likely diagnoses.
• Will generally be able to answer the examiner’s questions confidently and accurately.
The failing candidate typically …

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Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

• Will struggle to identify the key findings for each of the data provided.
• Will be unable to link these findings to the clinical history to explain what is likely to be happening /
likely diagnoses.
• Will struggle to answer the examiner’s questions.

Clinical information relevant to the station:

Nil additional provided

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Practice Station Data Interp Heart Failure

Marking Domains
12. Data Interpretation
Adopts a systematic approach
Recognises and describes key features of the data and clinical background provided
Integrates and interprets the key features in light of the clinical background
Applies clinical reasoning skills to come to appropriate conclusion(s)

14. Clinical Knowledge and Diagnosis

Identifies the underlying problem(s)
Demonstrates an appropriate depth of understanding of the clinical condition/pathology
Applies reasoning skills to interpret information in the clinical context
Applies knowledge to the patient’s current situation
Generates a plausible list of differential diagnoses and if required, is able to identify which is most likely
Provides a clear justification and rationale for their diagnosis or differential diagnosis

15. Providing information to the examiner

Communicates findings clearly, if applicable
Summarises accurately and concisely if applicable
Answers examiner questions clearly and competently
Provides and prioritises answers that are reflective of routine clinical practice
Justifies answers in context of the patient’s problem

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