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Name: Silva, Marvin Jay A.

Date: April 26, 2022

Course/Section: BSN -2B

Activity no. 3: Renaissance Period

1. If Europeans didn't embark on maritime explorations around the world, how do you think will
this affect their development in terms of culture, religion, communication, and trade?

Answer: So first discussing the reason why Europeans did exploration is that there are several
reasons for humans to study their surroundings. Curiosity, trade, religion, and the need for
security and political power are all powerful motivators. Various reasons are prevalent at
different periods and in different places. Sometimes one incentive motivates those who support
discovery, while another motivates those who do the search. If we stick to this idea if the
Europeans did not embark on maritime explorations around the world. I think this will affect the
development in terms of culture, religion, communication, and trade since we did not how other
countries or certain places work, what it is need, how would it be strengthen, how would they
build connections to other and how would they make discover things that would help them and
other to develop. For this reason I think if they did not do that during that time I think earth and
human beings are in slow progress to development and make this world ready for anything.

2. What do you think is the importance of Medici Family's support to the arts and humanities?
Today, what does it mean supporting arts and humanities?

Answer: For my own understanding they did it so that all the artist on that era continue to do
artworks and other stuff without worrying about the financial problem. By this kind of support of
Medici family for artworks and artist they would engage all of them to think critical and make
their imagination farther from they would have and doing that it would start a great impact since
for visualizing things is a start of a product and I think that they believe that those artist can
make things that would be a great help to start a new era with more concrete and useful things
that would make easier people to live. The Medici were responsible for a large portion of the art
and architecture created in Florence during the start of the Renaissance. They were early
supporters of Masaccio and helped pay for the rebuilding of San Lorenzo Basilica by architect
Brunelleschi. Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo da Vinci are among the notable
painters who the Medici financed. The Medici were not just patrons of the arts and architecture.
They were also pro-science. They backed Galileo Galilei, the famed scientist, in his scientific
endeavors. Galileo also tutored the children of the Medici family and that is why I think is the
reason why Medici family believe in the artist because they knew they could empower them to
create ideas that can be turn to reality and make the world better.

3. Discuss briefly why renaissance is considered as the bridge between middle Ages and the
modern ages.

Answer: I think the main reason why the renaissance is considered as the bridge between
Middle Ages and modern ages is that I was the renewal of learning with the help of science and
creative minds of artist on that time they create innovation such as infrastructures that are very
beneficial and basis of education on creating mechanism and other things that would help the
human being in their living. Supporting the idea of the artist to create artwork was such a great
move to the renaissance period since it boosted the development of innovation until now that
people really need to do a certain activities to further move forward and create things that would
be beneficial not just now and also for the next generation.

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