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Title: The European Renaissance Write down the Essential Question in the first line under your title

EQ: What changes occurred during the Renaissance and how did they impact society?

Today we are going to discuss the legacy, or impact, that the Renaissance had on society.
We will start by discussing the most influential

area of the time period art. Three of the most important artists came out of the Renaissance:
Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael
EQ: What changes occurred during the Renaissance and how did they impact society?

In order to understand the innovations in art of the Renaissance, it is important to first look at the art that preceded it.
When we analyze art consider the following:
What emotions does the

piece make you feel? What is the subject of the piece? Religious, portrait, mythical, etc. Is the piece realistic, idealized, distorted, etc.?

A true Renaissance man. Left many notebooks full of sketches.

Strange- wrote backwards so

no one could steal his ideas. Drew up plans for a helicopter, submarine, tank, machine gun, diving equipment, and was fascinated with flying. Interested in anatomy, dissected cadavers from Rome mortuary and drew their parts. Bizarre self portrait. Famous for Mona Lisa and the Last Supper

CFU --- Think / Pair / Share: What effect would this have on European society? Leonardo da Vinci impacted society by

EQ: What changes occurred during the Renaissance and how did they impact society?

Best known as a sculptor. The Medici sponsored his education.

Most famous- statue of David

CFU --- Think / Pair / Share: How does this show the influence of the Medici family? The success of Michelangelo demonstrates the influence of the Medici by EQ: What changes occurred during the Renaissance and how did they impact society?

14 feet high, took 3 yrs to finish. 1508-1512- painted Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome. Fired all his assistants. Unsociable man, incapable of good relationships. Designed dome of St. Peters Basilica but died before it was done. Also a painter, architect, and poet.

Studied Michelangelo and da Vinci.

Painted many paintings of

Madonna and child. Pope hired him to paint frescoes (paintings done on wet plaster) in the Vatican and in his library. Combined Michelangelos sense of power and magnificence with Leonardos expressive mysteriousness to create Renaissance style we remember today. Famous for School of Athens

CFU --- Think /Write/ Share: Analyze the image above. How does Raphael portray the Madonna and child? Raphaels portrayal of the Madonna and child

Literacy 0-5?
The ability to read and write

Europe saw its literacy rates tremendously increase during the Renaissance. One technological development helped more than any other. The printing press Johannes Gutenberg (1440)
Improved upon Chinese block
CFU: Think / Write / Share: What impact would the invention of the printing press have on society. One impact of the printing press on society _______ would result from the development of the printing press.

printing techniques

With the invention of the printing press, Europe advanced at amazing speeds.
Literacy rates increase Books, pamphlets,

scientific findings, notes, etc. are all being mass produced. Various languages are used and published.
The first mass-produced book was the Guttenburg bible.

CFU Think / Pair / Share: What impact would this have on the European society? The printing press would impact society by

05 Humanism
The study of human potential;

what can humans physically do, what are our minds capable of, and individual achievement.

With the advent of humanism, Europe saw an increased sense of inquiry, or questioning.
Inspired by the belief in human

potential, many scholars began CFU --- Think / Write / Share: What do you think were the responses to question the world around of the church and government of this them.
Including: religion, nature, human body processes, etc.
time to the humanist movement? I believe the church and government responded to the humanist movement by

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