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1. how can negotiations be more successful?

 find the right time to negotiate

 find out the state of sales in the company whether it is up or down
 submit a salary increase with a salary range according to the expertise possessed
2. how would a sales representative need to prepare for a meeting in wich he planned to ask for a
 before asking for a raise should a sales representative know what the purpose of asking
for a raise is
 find out how other companies, whether in the same industry or not, hire employees for
the same job,
 must provide a solid reason to explain why You deserve a raisebefore asking for a raise

employee representative : Good afternoon, ma'am.

Company representative : Good afternoon. Come on, please have a seat.
Employee representative : Yes, thank you.
Company representative : I, Nazira Andriani, the company manager. Who are you?
Employee representative : I'm Indri, who was trusted by friends to meet the leadership. do you
have time to talk for a minute?
Company representative : Yes, please have a seat. How can I help? Actually, what happened?
All employees in this company do demonstrations. In this way, the company could go
bankrupt and employees could be laid off.
employee representative : Nothing, sir. We just want to improve our destiny and live decently.
Company representative : What do you mean?
Employee representative : Yes, surely you know. We, the employees, have worked hard for the
company. However, we feel that we are not getting what we deserve. Moreover, there will be a
new contract. We can't fulfill our daily needs with only IDR 2,000,000 a month. At the very
least, we receive a wage of IDR 3,000,000.00.
Company representative : That's impossible. The company is already bearing too heavy a
burden. Electricity goes up, fuel goes up, and other operating costs also go up. The increase in
the UMP (provincial minimum wage) cannot be increased now. Because sales are not
employee representative : If so, we will continue to strike until our demands are met.
Company representative : It can't be like that. We have to find a middle ground.
Representative employee : Then, how?
Company representative : I will propose the increase to the board of directors. How ever, if
next month's target is to increase by 15%, the company will only be able to increase the UMP
to rp. 2,400,000. No more than that. yourself know that in this global situation any company
is in trouble.
employee representative : No, sir. This is Jakarta, sir. Everything has to be bought with money.
Yes, please try to find a way so that we can live decently. At least we receive a salary of Rp.
2.800.000, 00.
Representative of the company : Later I will propose to the board of directors for Rp.
employee representative : But, try more, sir. We will work even harder.
Company representative : Okay, I'll try. Please control your fellow employees and tell them
starting tomorrow all employees have to go back to work. Employees who strike will be
Representative employee : Okay, sir. Thank you. May I go out?
Company representative : Yes, please.

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