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McE -42052 FMS Tutorial- II 3.9.2019 (Tue)
Sr.No. Questions Marks
1. Use Fig.1 to identify the absolute coordinates for each axis and for each point of the 10
profile of the turned part, based on radial considerations.

Figure 1.
1. X 0.9 Z 0.0
2. X 1.1 Z -0.5
3. X 1.1 Z -1.0
4. X 1.25 Z -1.11
5. X 1.25 Z -2.5
6. X 1.5 Z -2.65
7. X 1.5 Z -4.3
8. X 1.7 Z -5.0
9. X 2.5 Z -5.4
10. X 2.5 Z -6.2
2. Use Fig.1 to identify the incremental coordinates for each axis and for each point of the 10
profile of the turned part, based on radial considerations.
1. U 0.9 W 0.0
2. U 0.2 W -0.5
3. U 0.0 W -0.5
4. U 0.15 W -0.11
5. U 0.0 W -1.39
6. U 0.26 W -0.15

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7. U 0.0 W -1.65
8. U 0.2 W -0.7
9. U 0.8 W -0.4
10. U 0.0 W -0.8
3. Use Fig.2 to identify the incremental coordinates for each axis and for each point of the 10
profile of the milled part.

Figure 2
1. U
4. Use Fig.2 to identify the absolute coordinates for each axis and for each point of the 10
profile of the milled part.
1. X 5.0 Z 2.56
2. X 4.307 Z 5.0
3. X 3.207 Z 4.293
4. X 2.707 Z 4.293
5. X 2.0 Z 5.0
6. X 0.0 Z 0.693
7. X 1.75 Z 0.0
8. X 0.95 Z 2.3
9. X 4.05 Z 1.5
10. X 3.94 Z 0.0

*************** End of Questions ***************

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