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In years 2014-2015 there was an eruption of the Bárðarbunga volcano in central Iceland. Seismic
activity around this area was systematically increasing since 2007. Main eruption happened on
29 and 31 of August 2014. It was a fissure eruption and a fissure was around 600 meters long on
29th and 3 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide on 31st. The lava output was 1000 cubic meters
per second. After a few hours, in the caldera of the volcano, appeared an earthquake of
magnitude 5.1.
Iceland lays on two tectonic plates- North American Plate and Eurasian Plate. It is in a
continental rift zone, which means that two plates are spreading, causing the mantle to reach the


The effects of this eruption were not fatal. Gas emissions during the eruption were not dangerous
to the humans. There was also no ashes released, so there was no danger for air traffic. The area
is also rarely populated so no people were harmed.

Oliwia Salwocka

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