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Purchasing yams and getting it stored is no rocket science, with the right amount of capital a good storage
space or piece of land also a proper storage this can be achieved efficiently. Yam purchase during the
right time which is between (December and January) is very key because it makes it possible to purchase
good yams also at reasonable prices, which would in turn increase with time and can be sold at a higher
price than purchased due to demand and seasonal inflation. Note: this market never fluctuates.

WHAT IS NEEDED TO BEGIN SAID BUSINESS; In order to get this done one must need the
following to efficiently get said business on go! Such needs include
1. Storage space: This includes a small space or a large piece of land where by a storage house could
be built for storing yams. Depending on the capital at hand one could go for a smaller space or a
large piece of land to build such storage. Although this storage house should be built in an airy
area if it involves small spaces, unlike a reasonably sized piece of land where by there is enough
space and which is properly ventilated as well.
2. Materials to build yam storage: Materials needed for building a yam storage includes
 2 by 3 woods, quantity depends on the size of the storage
 Planks
 Dried grass(used to make huts)
 Ropes
 Padlocks and keys
3. Truck: This is to be used to convey yams to the storage site and to the market as well when
needed. Although it is not necessary to purchase a truck only if you have the means and the truck
could also serve other purposes and generate in come in between.
4. Capital: The capital needed for the said business is not too humongous to begin with, a reasonable
amount should do for a start.
5. Yams: purchasing of yams of as much quantity as the storage can take and as you can afford. And
if you are buying hundred yams for example it is advisable to buy extra 20 tubers of yam to
replace any one that gets bad and again you may not need to replace any one at all. This is done to
keep tabs on your profit.
In conclusion this business is an ideal business for anyone who wants to invest and get good returns and
must be patient because it pays overtime. Also if properly stored there is very low risk of obtaining loss
because yams are not perishable crops and can last for as long as possible if properly stored.

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