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IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY A new blood group system: scientific

relevance and media resonance

Editorial Serelina Coluzzi1, Nicoletta Revelli2, Barbara Baluce2

“Missense mutations in PIEZO1, encoding the Piezo1 mechanosensor protein, define

the Er red blood cell antigens” prepublished by Thornton’s team in Blood, in September

Special Immunohematology Unit,
20221, is an excellent study showing that Piezo1, a protein of wide biological interest, is
Immunohematology and Tranfusion
the carrier of three known antigens that did not fit into any known blood group system.
Medicine Complex Unit,Policlinico
Using a combination of cutting-edge DNA sequencing, gene-editing techniques and more
Umberto I-Sapienza University, traditional approaches, researchers were able to answer questions that would have been

Rome, Italy; impossible to answer not many years ago by identifying the molecular basis of five Er
Department of Transfusion Medicine blood group antigens, the recognized Era, Erb  and Er32-4 and two novel high-incidence Er
and Hematology and Lombardy
antigens, Er4 and Er5. Thus, Er is the 44th blood group system to be discovered, 40 years
Regional Rare Blood after the high incidence red blood cell Era antigen was first described. The study is the
Bank, IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale first to describe different mutations of the antigen; due to a high level of polymorphism
Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy of PIEZO1 it is likely that further antigens may be added to the Er system in the future.
Massive parallel sequencing will facilitate the recognition of new antigens and the

determination of the frequency of different alleles in the population5.

The results of the study, also possible thanks to the fact that the team started their
investigation having historical blood samples from just 13 people gathered over 40 years,

will be officially ratified as defining a new blood group system at a next meeting of the
International Society of Blood Transfusion. Piezo1 is known to have important roles in
normal conditions and in multiple diseases (e.g., dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis,

hereditary xerocytosis) and this research represents another new milestone in hematology
and in immunohematology6,7. The new discovery adds important knowledge for the
characterization of red blood cell immunization and it has been well received by the
scientific community; on the other hand we do not agree with reports in the newspapers

that compared the new system Er to the well-known, and most relevant for transfusion
medicine, ABO system. Lay press also gave too much emphasis to the Er system as the
most important one in the genesis of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN).
Reported cases of Er alloimmunization are rare; however, the majority of Er antibodies
considered in Thornton’s study were identified during pregnancy, and anti-Er4 and
anti-Er5 were implicated in severe HDFN. HDFN, occurring when pregnant women
produce antibodies against fetal red cell antigens, affects 3/100,000 to 80/100,000
patients per year; it is a complex pathology, and several blood group systems must be
considered in relation to the immunogenicity of each of them8. Antibodies to the RhD
Correspondence: Serelina Coluzzi antigen are the most frequent causes of moderate to severe HDFN. IgG antibodies against
other Rh antigens (including c, e, C, E) and blood group antigens (including Fya and K)

Blood Transfus 2022; 20: 441-442 DOI 10.2450/2022.0264-22

All rights reserved - For personal use only 441
No other use without premission
Coluzzi S et al

occur in about 0.5% of pregnancies9,10. The diagnosis and REFERENCES

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The Authors declare no conf licts of interest.


Blood Transfus 2022; 20: 441-442 DOI 10.2450/2022.0264-22

442 All rights reserved - For personal use only
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