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14.2 Exercises

Write the corresponding questions

1. What time do you want me to come back?

I want you to come back before midnight.

2. What did she remind us not to forget? ¿Qué nos pidió no olvidar (que no olvidáramos)?
She reminded us not to forget our notes.

3. What did they order everybody to do? ¿Qué nos ordenaron hacer?
They ordered everybody to evacuate the building immediately.

4. Have you ever asked him to do you a favour? ¿Alguna vez le has pedido que te haga un favor?
No. I’ve never asked him to do me a favour.

5. What does he really hate people to tell him? ¿Qué realmente odia él que la gente le diga?
He really hates people to tell him what to do.

6. What did your friends encourage you to do? ¿Qué te animan a hacer tus amigos?
My friends encouraged me to talk with my boss about my problem.

Tell the following using this construction. Use the verbs in parenthesis as Introduction

Example: Please have a seat. (invite)

He (has) invited us to have a seat.

1. Don’t shout here (order)

The nurse ordered us not to shout there.

2. Could you open the door? (ask)

Peter asked me to open the door.

3. The children can’t play outside because it’s raining. (allow)

Father doesn’t allow the children to play outside because it’s raining.

4. Do all your homework (remind)

The teacher reminded us to do all our homework.

5. Please, don’t come back late, will you? (beg)

Mom begged me not to come back late.

1. How would you like the man / woman of your dreams to be?
I’d like him / her to be....

2. What would you advise a friend in trouble to do?

I would advise him / her to ...

3. Who do you really like people to do?

I really like people to ....

4. What don’t you like people to do?

I don’t like people to ….


1. ¿Qué más quieres que haga? Me gustaría que me lo dijeras.

What else do you want me to do? I´d like you to tell me.

2. Siempre nos pide que le pongamos atención y que no hablemos cuando nos explica algo.
He always asks us to pay attention (to him) and not to talk when he’s explaining something.

3. Te había dicho que te pusieras abrigo porque hacía frío, ¿o no?

I had told you to put on a coat because it was cold, hadn’t I?

4. Me encantaría que me ayudaras con estas traducciones. ¿Podrías?

I would love you to help me with this translation. Could you?

5. A mí me encanta que mis amigos vengan a mi casa.

I love my friends to come over / to come to my house.

6. Le ordenaron que no molestara más y que se bajara de la micro de inmediato.

They ordered him not to bother anymore and to get off (the bus) immediately.

7. Esperábamos que llegaran como a las 12:00, pero su avión se atrasó.

We expected them to get around 12, but their plane got late / was delayed.

8. Tendremos que conseguir que alguien nos arregle el auto,

We will have to get someone/somebody to fix the car.

9. No te vayas todavía. Te ruego que te quedes un rato más.

Don’t leave yet. I beg you to stay (a little) longer / a while more.

10. No quieren que lleguemos tarde. Nos pidieron que fuéramos puntuales.
They don’t want us to be late. They asked us to be on time.

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