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pentru incepatori.
A elaborat Covanjii Daniela
Grupa 101 B, anul I,
Limba engleza, Profesori.

Chisinau, 2022.
Continutul II. Competente la nivel de
I. Competente la nivel de cunoastere.
 Present Simple. aplicare.
ghidului:  Adverbs of frequency.
 Present Continuous.
• My home – lucru pe baza
 Stative verbs. • Exercitii aplicative.
 Present Perfect
 Past Simple of Regular and Irregular
 Past Contiunous.
 Modal Verbs
 Future time.
 Quantifiers.
 Used to.
 Comparative and superlative.
 Passive.
I. Competente la
nivel de
cunoastere. I/you/we/they He/she/it

Present Simple Affirmative I clean the floor once a week./ Eu

curat podeaua o data pe
She lives wlth her family./ Ea
locuieste cu familia ei.
•Folosim Presentul Simplu/
Present Simple pentru: Negative We don't decorate very often./ Noi Tom doesn't like moving the
nu decoram foarte des. furniture./ Lui Tom nu-I place sa
• Intamplari care sunt mereu mute mobile.
adevarate./For facts that are
always true.
Question How often do they have parties? Where does she want to live?
• Lucruri care nu se schimba./ form Do you want to move?/ Cat de des
au ei petreceri?
Does the sofa look good there?/
Unde vrea ea sa traieasca?
For things that we don’t Vrei sa te muti? Arata canapeaua bine aici?
expect to change.
• Sentimente./ For
feelings(love, prefer, hate
• Idei si ganduri./ For thoughts
and ideas.
Adverbs of Frequency
Always Usually Often Sometimes Occasionally Never

(100%) (90%) (75%) (25%) (5%) (0%)

1. Nicholas always does his homework.
2. I usually have a cup or coffee in the morning.
3. My friend often travels abroad.
4. She sometimes is mad at me, but I try to convince her to give up.
5. Jacob occasionally reads books.
6. I never smoke.
Continuous I He/she/it You/we/they
Folosim Present Continuous pentru:
Affirmative I'm surfing in the He's playing You're working hard.
• To describe something that is Net. rugby.
happening while we are
speaking./Pentru a descrie ce se Negative I'm not doing my She isn't We aren't talking to
intampla in timpul vorbirii. homewotk. watching TV. each other at the
• To talk about something that is
happening for a limited period
of time./ A vorbi despre ce se Question What am I doing? Where is she Where are you
intampla intr-un moment limitat forms Am I doing the staying/Is he still studying?Are you
de timp. correct grammer working in New writing a new book?
exercies? York?
• We often use it to talk about
what is happening in pictures
and photos./ Il utilizam des
pentru a vorbi despre ce se
intampla in imagini si fotografii.
Stative verbs – verbs that don’t have the
continuous form.

Like/dislikes Think See Want

• Like/dislikes: • Verbs of the • Verbs of the • Other

like, enjoy, mind: senses: see, common
love, dislike, think( when the touch, hear, stative verbs:
hate, prefer. meaning is smell, feel. want, need,
'believe'), belong, mean,
believe. have ( when the
meaning is
1. We use Present Perfect for recent actions which happened at an
unstated time in the past. / Present Perfect este folosit pentru actiuni
Present Perfect 2.
recente care s-au intamplat intr-un moment nespecificat in trecut.
We use Present Perfect for actions or states which began in the past
and continue up to the present. / Present Perfect este folosit pentru
actiuni care au inceput in trecut si continua pana in present.


Affirmative We have been there before. He has tried kitesurfing.

Negative I haven't seen the Pyramids. She hasn't visited London.

Question forms Which sports have you tried? Have you How many fights has he entered?
ever eaten snake? Has he ever won?

Short answers Yes,I have./ No, I haven't. Yes, he has./No, he hasn't.

Past Simple of Irregular
and Regular verbs. Formam Past Simple:
• We add –ed to most verbs to
make the past simple/ Se adauga
terminatia –ed pentru majoritatea
verbelor pentru a forma trecutul
Affirmative They watched the soap opera • For example/ De exemplu:
every week. die- died, live- lived, like-liked, stop-
stopped, travel – travelled, study –
Negative She didn't want to marry him. studied.
Unele verbe nu pot forma trecutul cu –
ed. Ele au forma lor unica pentru trecut.
Question form When did he call gis ex- O forma care trebuie memorata!
girlfriend? Buy - bought, do-did, have–had, go –
Did they want to stay went, hit- hit, leave-left, make- made,
put-put, say-said, take-took, see-saw,
toghether forever? tell – told, win- won.
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
Be was/were been leave left left
become became become lend lent lent
begin began begun lose lost lost
break broken make made
bring broke brought meet made met
build brought built put met put
buy could brought read put read
can caught been able to ride read ridden
catch chose caught ring rode rung
choose came chosen run rang run
come did come say ran said
do drank done see said seen
drink drunk sing sold
drive drove driven sit saw sung
eat ate eaten speak spoke sat
fall fell fallen spend spent spoken
feel found felt stand stood spent
find flew found swim swam stood
fly got flown take took swum
get got up got tell told taken
get up got up think told
go went gone throw thought thought
grow grew grown understand threw thrown
have had had wake up understood understood
hear heard heard wear woke up woken up
hide hid hidden win wore worn
know knew known write won won
wrote written
I/he/she/it You/we/they

Past Affirmative She was wearing a At midnight they

beautiful green skirt. were dancing in the
Continuous moonlight.

Negative It wasn't raining so Her parents weren't

they want out for a waiting up or her
Folosim Past Continuous pentru: romantic walk. when she arrieved
1. To describe an action at or around a home.
time in the past;/ A descrie o actiune la
timpul trecut sau apropiat de timpul
trecut. Question form How long was he What where you
2. For temporary actions in the past;/ writing at the doing last night?
A actiuni temporare care au avut loc in restaurant? Was I Were they watching
trecut. laughing too much? the film?
3. To describe a scene in the past,
espacilly when you are telling a story.
/ A descrie o scena in trecut, in special
cand se spune despre o intamplare.
Can, can't, have to and don't have to.
Meaning Examples
Can It is permitted/aloweed. The boss says we can leave early
Can I use the computer?
can't It is prohibited/not allowed. We can't take personal calles at
have to It is necessary./There is an He has to finish the report today.
obligation. We need it by 5 o'clock.
don't have to It is not neccessary./There is no You don't have to call him today.
obligation. You can do it tomorrow if you like.
Future plans
I He /she /it You/we/they
Affirmative I'm going to change my She's going to sell her car. They're going to see the
jobs. new James Bond film.
Negative I'm not going to ask him. He isn't going to be there. We aren't going to have a
holiday this year.
Question forms When I am going to book How much is he going to What are you going to
the hotel? spend? wear?
Am I going to see him? Is she going to invite Liam Are you going to drive?
to the party?
Comparative structures

The same Different

The same as very like quite similar to slightly completely

different from different
Present and past simple passive
Present simple passive Past simple passive
Affirmative PlayStations are made in Japan. The house was build in 1960.
Negative The T-shurt isn't designed in Prada. The museum wasn't opened until
Question forms Where are the T-shirt made? When was the museum opened to
Are the T-shirt made in Brasil? the public?
Was the Goggenheim Museum
built by Frank Gehry?
Used to
Affirmative John used to work in the film industry,
Negative They didn't used to watch romantic films.
Quesrion forms where did you use to live?
Did you use to have long hair?
Comparatives and superlatives
Comparative Superlative
One syllable adjectives Add -er Add the -est
soft softer The softest
Two-syllabe adjectives ending in -y Add -ier Add the -iest
happy happier The happiest
Other adjectives with two or ore more/less + adjective the most/leat + adjective
syllabes less unhealthy the most unhealthy
unhealthy more beautiful the least beautiful
Irregular adjectives better the best
good worse the worst
bad father?futher the farthest/the furthest
Would and wouldn't
Affirmative I would love to take a holiday but I'm too busy.
Negative They wouldn't ever leave London.
Question forms Where would you live?
Would he come to the party?
A lot of or lots are used in the affirmative with uncountables.

Quantifiers Many – with countables and much with uncountables are

used in questions and neagations. Many and much can also
be used in the affirmative in formal English.
A few – with countables/ a little – with uncountables mean
too many too much a lot of Some is used in positive statements, ‘’any’’ in questions and
‘’no’’ or ‘’not any’’ in negatives. /

plenty of enough several A lot of si lots sunt folosite in propozitii afirmative cu

Many – cu numarabile si much cu nenumerabile sunt
folosite in intrebari si negatii.
some a few a little
A few – cu numarabile si a little – cu nenumerabile care este
similar in sens cu ‘’some’’.
Some este folosit in propozotii pozitive, any in intrebari si no
a couple of none sau not any in negative.
My home
Some people in Constanta live in their own but most
people live in flats they own or rent. My name is Victor Jones
and I live in a large and beautiful flat. My address is 100 Tomia
Boulevard, Constanta. The block of flats where I live is a tall
and modern building. In front of it there are some tall trees and
beds and flowers. On the ground-floor of our block of flats
II. Aplicarea there is a big supermarket where most people in the
neighborhood do their shopping. From the first floor up to the
competentelor. loft there are flats. Access to the flats is provided by some
elevators and stairways. My family and I live on the 3rd floor.
Our flat consists of four rooms, a hall, a bathroom, a lavatory
and a kitchen, Two of the rooms are used as bedrooms. There is
also a dining-room, where we have our meals, and a living-
room, where we watch TV in the evening. There is a bathroom
near the bedroms and a large kitchen where we have breakfest
every morning.
1. Cititi textul in glas si traduceti-l, in scris, in limba romana.
2. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:
Do you live in a flat or in a house?
I live in a ......
It is old or new?
It is ........
Where it is situated, in the centre or in the suburbs?
It is situated........
What is your address?
My address is.....
Do you own or rent your house?
I ......... it.
How many rooms are there in your house?
There are....... rooms in my ...........
3. Traduceti in limba engleza:
a) Noi ne uitam la un film bun.
b)Acestea sunt cartile tale.
c) Eu locuiesc intr-o casa mare si frumoasa.
d)Casa ei este frumoasa.
e)Casa mea are trei camere: doua dormitoare si o sufragerie.
Ea mai are si o bucatarie unde servim micul dejun in fiecare dimineata.
f)Sunt 15 flori in acest buchet.(bunch)
g)Creioanele lui sunt rosii.
h)Acestia sunt fratii mei.
i)Majoritatea oamenilor din cartier isi fac cumparaturile de la un supermarket mare.
j)In fata casei sunt multe straturi de flori.
k)Blocul in care locuiesc este o cladire inalta si moderna.
l)Vad o fata frumoasa.
m) Aceasta e mancarea lui Tom.
n) Aceasta e piciorul scaunului.
0)Mamele acestor elevi vin la scoala.
5. Folosind cuvintele de mai jos alcatuiti propozitii:
vegetables, meat, orange, plums, restaurant, beef, onion, cabbage, fruit.
6. Treceti verbele din paranteze la trecutul simplu:
a) He ...... in Florence last year. (to be)
b) We ............... our grandparents two days ago. (to visit)
c) Mary ............... to us last night. (not to come)
d) Victor ........... to Capri in 2000. (not to go)
e)He ............ her when he ........... in Paris. (to meet, to be)
f) What you .............. your name ..............? (to say, to be)
g) John ............... from London last week. (to come)
7. Treceti la urmatoarele verbe la timpul trecut:
a. You must do it at once.
b. He mustn't tell me.
c. She has to was the glasses.
d. You will have to read again.
e. I shall have to come again.
f. She mustn't go home alone.
g. I must work as hard as I can.
h. We have to begin before 5 o'clock.
i. They must change their shoes.
j. I have to light a fire.
8. Inlocuiti cuvintele scrise in italice cu vorbele modale corespunzatoare.
a. Children are forbidden to play with matches.
b. He probably went to Bucharest.
c. All the students were obliged to take a test last week.
d. It is impossible that she wouldn't come.
e. We are obliged to do our homework every day.
f. You are given permission to leave.
g.Your obligation was to write the letter.
h. He has the ability to speak three foreign languages.
9. Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:
a. How does happiness change one's life?
b. Can money buy happiness?
c. Why others influence our happiness?
10. Completati spatiile libere.
Europe is made ...... many countries. Spain is .... one of them. If you
want to ........ Spain, you must take a .......... of at least four weeks in
order to be sure that you will see everything. There ......... many places
to see. For ..........., in Madrid you must not miss seeing The Almudena
Cathedral. It's one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Madrid. The
entrance takes you..... the church but on the left side ....... can enter a
museum. There you can............ religious paintings that will take your
breath away.
But the most fascinated think about this ....... is that is one of her
towers there is a beautiful picture ....... the Virgin Mary that a special
background. When I say special I .... that it is a lovely blue that has the
..... color as the sky.
• Ministerul Educatiei, Culturii si Cercetarii al
Republicii Moldova, Curriculum National, Limba
Engleza, Chisinau 2019.
• From Elevator International 2, Pre-intermediate,
Annie Taylor, Richmond Publishing.
• From Elevator International 3, Intermediate, Annie
Taylor, Richmond Publishing.
• Engleza fara professor, Emilia Neculai, Editura
Steaua Nordului.
• My Grammar Lab, Elementary A1/A2, Mark
Foley, Diane Hall.
• Round Up 3, Pearson Education Limited 2003.

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