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Caption: With the price of gas rising globally, it’s an important time to reconsider our world’s

addiction to Fossil Fuels. The utilization of these fuels doesn’t stop at impacting our pockets, it
also has far-reaching effects on our climate and vulnerable communities such as Tuvalu. Share
this post to help spread awareness of the effects of Fossil Fuels on our global climate and
Tuvalu, and help us work together by demanding accountability from major fossil fuel emitters,
to build a livable and sustainable future for all populations.

Slide 1: Gas Prices are on the Rise; How do Fossil Fuels impact the World and how do they
impact Tuvalu?

Slide 2: Fossil Fuels currently account for roughly 80% of the world’s energy. The four
biggest contributors to this are electricity and heat production (25%), agriculture and land
use (24%), industry (21%), and transportation (14%).

Slide 3: Fossil fuels directly impact the global population in the form of pollution (air, water,
plastics, and oil spills), as well as long term consequences of this pollution such as sea level
rise, ocean acidification, and increased extreme weather events. These consequences will most
impact marginalized communities, and put Tuvalu and many of its neighbors in humanitarian
danger, at risk of losing their nations and homes.

Slide 4: But you thought these ‘companies’ were working towards green energy? Fossil fuel
companies have increasingly included fossil fuel targets in their 50-year business plans.
However, numerous studies have found that the ‘planned’ production of fossil fuels will make
it impossible to meet the internationally agreed temperature target of under 1.5 degrees
Celsius soon enough.

Slide 5: What about accountability? A lot of legal action has been taken over the past few
years, with the number of climate change-related cases filed against states doubling, and
with 24 climate lawsuits being worked through in the United States alone. However, most of
the world’s biggest fossil fuel emitters have yet to face meaningful consequences for their

Slide 6: Fossil fuels directly impact Tuvalu and its communities in serious ways, by causing
an increase in extreme weather events, damaging native ecosystems, and causing greater risks
of humanitarian marginality. Rising sea levels are causing coastal erosion on Tuvalu’s atolls
and many islands could be severely eroded in only a few decades time.

Slide 7: If addiction towards fossil fuels persists and global temperatures keep on rising,
then, there will be no Tuvalu. Tuvalu and their pacific neighbors are on the frontline in the
fight against climate change, and without swift and collaborative global action, we will lose this

If Tuvalu sinks, the world sinks with it. But if we save Tuvalu, we save our world too.

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