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I've just started a part-time job on Saturdays. I can't get used to going to bed early
on Friday evenings and I haven't gotten used to getting up early on Saturday yet.
Before I used to spend Saturdays with my friends, but now I don't see them
because I work all day, but little by little I am getting used to speaking to people.
Although I have to stand a lot, I don't think I'll ever
get used to feeling so tired at the end of the day.

My family moved to Norway a year ago. It hasn't been easy. But little by little I got
used to it. The winter's the worst thing - it's absolutely freezing, but I have got
used to wearing warm clothes whenever I go out. I'm used to having meals earlier
now and the hot dogs. They are really delicious. But I don't think I will ever get
used to eating the traditional sh dish. It's absolutely disgusting! I go to an English
speaking school, so I haven't got used to speaking Norwegian yet. I still miss my
old friends. In England, I was used to going to a mate's home after school, but kids
don't do that here, especially in winter.

Fill in the correct form of used to, get used to, be used to

1) I can’t _________________ to waking up early every day.

2) I __________________ to go to countryside every summer.

3) Finally I have ___________________ to eating healthy food.

4) I ____________ to live in California and I _________________ to the climate

there. Now I’m moving to Alaska and have to ______________ to cold weather.

5) _________________ to play the piano in childhood?

6) _________ already ____________ to all this noise from your neighbours?

7) ______________ to going to bed early, since you got new job?

New words

Part-time job — неполная занятость

Little by little — понемногу

Although — хотя

To stand — стоять

Absolutely — абсолютный

Freezing — мерзлота

Whenever — всякий раз когда

To have a meal — кушать

Delicious — вкусный

Disgusting — отвратительный

Mate — приятель

Especially — особенно

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