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Waingold 1

Ari Waingold


English 9H, P3

04 October 2021

Prompt 2

In “The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu, the message of embracing cultural heritage is

supported by elements of magical realism and symbolism. As Jack’s relationship with his mother

deteriorates, Laohu becomes “very worn, patched all over with tape and glue” (Liu). As Jack

learns more about American culture, Laohu acts as a symbol of Jack pushing away his Chinese

heritage. Jack’s neglect for his own culture is directly tied with his neglect for Laohu and the rest

of the paper menagerie. He associates the animals with the culture that he tries so hard to

alienate. The symbolism of Laohu goes hand-in-hand with the magical realism in the story. Upon

the death of Jack’s mother, “the paper animals [do] not move,” representing how “whatever

magic had animated them stopped when Mom died” (Liu). Early in Jack’s life, the paper

menagerie acts as a place he can escape to, intertwined with his mother’s love and life force. The

magic of the animals is indicative of the Mother’s happiness with her son, which dissipates in the

years that follow along with the lively animation of the animals. These literary elements play an

important role not just in the plot, but also in constructing the overarching idea of cultural

identity and acceptance.

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