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Waingold 1

Ari Waingold

Ms. Seelye

English 9 Honors

14 February 2022

Social Issues

In The Bean Trees, Barbara Kingsolver highlights the issue of immigration, specifically

highlighting the horrors that many refugees face before fleeing to the and that immigrants should

be granted sanctuary in the U.S. Through the juxtaposition of Estevan and Taylor, Kingsolver

highlights how someone in America “can’t even begin to think about a world where people have

to make choices like that,” referring to the fate of Ismene in Guatemala. Even an educated

refugee such as Estevan, who flees from murderous conditions, still is not granted asylum in the

U.S. and is forced to live in hiding from the government. The way Estevan is portrayed

symbolizes the harsh unethicality of immigration policies in the U.S.

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