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Group 3

WCS Assignment
Case: Was that harassment
Internal Memo

Date: 16 Dec 2022

To: Employees of Coltra
This memo is being distributed to remind all workers that Coltra maintains a hostile-free
workplace free of discrimination and harassment of any type. We promise to treat any
complaints with the utmost confidentiality. Coltra will maintain a zero-tolerance policy for
workplace harassment of any kind, but the company is keenly aware that there is no
universally applicable response to instances of this nature and will thus take into account
the preferences of the offended party or victims.
The Human Resources department is available at any time for victims and anyone who have
been wronged to file formal or informal complaints. They may also take their issue
elsewhere if they so want. In this initiative, we shall protect all documents at all times. The
victim or offender has access to a counsellor who has received specialised training in this
area for their help at any point. They will also be encouraged to reach out to outside
counsellors for assistance.
More education campaigns will be held in the future to inform workers of all orientations
and levels about what constitutes an actionable offence, the complaint procedures to be
followed, in detail, the consequences based on the degree of offences, and the
opportunities that will be provided for all parties concerned to explain their positions. An
updated Workplace Harassment Policy will be distributed at the start of the first campaign;
all employees are responsible for familiarising themselves with this document; any
questions should be directed to HR.
Your efforts and commitment are, as usual, highly valued and nurtured.

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