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Why winning is everything (

Anyone who’s been married any length of time- five, seven, eight, nine .. minutes(nhấn mạnh, nghỉ) it
doesn’t matter (kéo dài, mát đờ ooooooolên rồi xuống)! You know what the most important thing is it is
to( nghỉ) win (thấp, nhấn mạnh)! Yeah. If you want to stay married and (nghỉ) stay happy you must
(lên)always be trying(xuống) to win (lên rồi xuống). And by the way, this is not a narrow, ego-based,
selfish (nhấn mạnh) goal. Not at all( không hề, nhanh, lên hết ) . You see. When you win, you feel better
about yourself, am I right(nói nhanh)? Yeah you feel better about yourself, you better about the rest of
the world. You are a nicer person you are a better (dừng một chút) spouse. (câu nói chậm, You do it for
the health of the Unit(chậm, kéo dài, xuống thẳng). It is almost(lên) selfless(xuống), frankly(lên một ít
ngang). Always trying to find a way to win, for the sake of the unit. And let me tell you(nói nhanh) –
there’s so many techniques (xuống). I’ll give you one more, which is (nói lên) when the correct occasion
(chậm vừa vừa lên) presents itself (xuống) /very casually (lên) /make sure you lie (xuống) to your spouse
but the key is the correct occasion. Don’t lie about lightweight rubbish like “I didn’t eat the last
Hobnob”. Nobody cares. It is a biscuit. But equally, don’t swing to the other extreme and lie about really
important stuff like “what? of course! No! this is your daughter”. Lie on the correct occasions, the sweet
spot stuff like… ok “what? Oh, honey, I booked our holiday that week. I had absolutely no idea your
mother was coming” and the reason you lie like this, is when you do this, you keep your spouse mildly
destabilized at all times. Right? And then you have more power. More power-higher chance of winning.
Which you do for the health of the…unit! There you go. Simple. Now, I know for a fact that there are
married people in the audience, and you’re thinking: “She’s really funny but we’re so honest with each
other. That’s not how my marriage works .you’re thinking that, right? Yeah. Well, the reason you think
that is because you are the loser

Lên: còn tiếp tục,


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