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My favorite school subject

My favorite school subject was Geography. What I liked the most - is to learn new and
different places on our beautiful planet. That made me realize how big and boundless our planet
is and how many different living things are surrounding us. In my childhood - I was very curious
about many things and geography was helping me to satisfy my curiosity pretty well. The
limitless amount of various animals, plants, insects, etc. made me read and watch a lot of books
and educational TV programs available there. But the most interesting thing for me was to learn
about humans - how many different races and nationals there are, how many strange religions
and customs they stick to. Our planet has a different climate and living conditions but still -
people can live in the cold northern regions with a temperature getting down to -100 C. Or they
can live in the sandy dry desert areas with a temperature getting so high that I couldn’t even
imagine myself living like this. I would become a raisin in a day. While there are generations of
families that exist for hundreds if not for thousands of years and feel themselves fine because
they were raised there and that palace is their home.
Learning Geography helped me to understand how the world was shaped in time. What
catastrophes and climate changes were in the past and how the Earth changed because of that.
Many continents and countries appeared only because of the one or another massive change
caused by the volcano eruption or by a big flood, etc. But living things were always able to
adjust. In cold climate places - animals have thick fur or fluffy warm feathers. In the rocky high
mountains - birds have big wings to fly high and fast while ibexes get strong hooves to be able to
get almost everywhere in the mountains area and escape the predators. And humans build cities
in the places where I couldn’t even imagine that can even fit there. Everyone adapts. Because if
you can’t adapt - you won’t be able to survive. That’s how life works on this planet. The whole
Planet’s Earth history - is the history of adaptation.

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