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Sastra Pesisir

Created By:

Mei Sindi (N1D220118)

Rani Pradita (N1D220132)
Sri Regi Cahyani (N1D220135)
Agista Ratnadilla (N1D220147)
Nur Mutmainnah Khamaisyah (N1D220129)



A. Research background
If we allude to coastal literature, the first thing that comes to mind is the atmosphere of a
Boarding school or an Islamic atmosphere. This situation is made possible by our
understanding of the history of the development of Islam in the country. At first, the greatest
development of Islam occurred around the port areas. In this case the coastal area is also the
target of the development of Islam. The process of broadcasting Islam which was carried out
at that time was carried out through literary works. Many literary works are deliberately
created for broadcasting the Islamic religion. Through these literary works, the spread of
Islam can be more effective.
As coastal literature, the contents of the literary works have an Islamic coastal nuance. This
means that both fairy tales, legends, rhymes and poems always describe the sea, life in the sea
and the surrounding environment that are related to the natural world of the sea and the
Islamic religion.
Values in Literary Works Moral values in literary works include the following;
Moral value A literary work, for example a short story, a novel that contains a moral
message. The moral message can be expressed by the author either directly or indirectly
one of the literary works that we take is a novel. Novel is a fictional literary work that is built
through various intrinsic and extrinsic elements.
the intrinsic elements of a literary work are the elements that form the basis for building the
literary work itself, while the extrinsic elements are elements that are viewed structurally
which aim to carefully describe the functions and interrelationships between the various
elements of a literary work which together produce a whole and are reciprocal in nature.
reverse, determine each other, influence which together form a unified whole.

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the background problems above, we formulate a research problem that is
"analyzing the poverty that occurs in suburban California in the Novel "The Pearl" by John
Ernest Steinbeck Jr.

C. Reason
the reason why we analyze poverty in the novel "The Pearl" is because we want to know
whether the writer john Ernest Steinbeck really stated that in 1940 there was an economic
crisis in the outskirts of California, more precisely in La Paz, Mexico.

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