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A review of binge eating disorder and obesity

Zaida Agüera · María Lozano-Madrid · Núria Mallorquí-Bagué · Susana Jiménez-Murcia · José M. Menchón ·
Fernando Fernández-Aranda

Received: 24 January 2020 / Accepted: 24 March 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2020

Summary Binge eating disorder (BED) is a men- the purpose of addressing the eating symptomatology
tal illness characterised by recurrent binge eating and comorbid obesity.
episodes in the absence of appropriate compensatory
behaviours. Consequently, BED is strongly associ- Keywords Binge eating disorder · Obesity · Risk
ated with obesity. The current review aims to provide factors · Treatment · Prevalence
an update of the most relevant aspects of BED (e.g.,
clinical profile, aetiology and treatment approaches), Übersicht zu Binge-eating und Adipositas
in order not only to facilitate a better understanding
of the disorder and its clinical consequences, but
also to identify potential targets of prevention and Zusammenfassung Die Binge-eating-Störung (BES)
intervention. Patients with BED often present high ist eine psychische Erkrankung, die durch wiederkeh-
comorbidity with other medical conditions and psy- rende Essanfälle und das Fehlen eines angemessenen
chiatric disorders. Numerous risk factors have been Kompensationsverhaltens gekennzeichnet ist. In der
associated with the development and maintenance Folge besteht eine starke Assoziation mit Adipositas.
of the disorder. Moreover, although some treatments Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet eine aktuelle Über-
for BED have proven to be effective in addressing sicht zu den wichtigsten Gesichtspunkten von BES,
different key aspects of the disorder, the rates of pa- unter anderem zu klinischem Bild, Ätiologie und
tients that have ever received specific treatment for Behandlungsansätzen. Ziel ist nicht nur ein besse-
BED are very low. The factors involved and how to res Verstehen der Erkrankung und ihrer klinischen
implement effective treatments will be discussed for Folgen, sondern auch die Identifikation potenziel-

Z. Agüera () · M. Lozano-Madrid · N. Mallorquí-Bagué · M. Lozano-Madrid · S. Jiménez-Murcia · J. M. Menchón ·

S. Jiménez-Murcia · F. Fernández-Aranda () F. Fernández-Aranda
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, CIBER Fisiopatología Obesidad Psychiatry and Mental Health Group, Neuroscience
y Nutrición (CIBERobn), Madrid, Spain Program, Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge-IDIBELL, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona,
F. Fernández-Aranda () N. Mallorquí-Bagué
Addictive Behavior Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Hospital
Z. Agüera · M. Lozano-Madrid · S. Jiménez-Murcia ·
de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
J. M. Menchón · F. Fernández-Aranda
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of S. Jiménez-Murcia · J. M. Menchón · F. Fernández-Aranda
Bellvitge-IDIBELL, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Department of Clinical Sciences, School of Medicine and
Spain Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, Health Sciences
Campus Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona,
Z. Agüera
Department of Public Health, Mental Health and
Maternal-Child Nursing, School of Nursing, University of J. M. Menchón
Barcelona, Health Sciences Campus Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet Instituto Salud Carlos III, CIBER Salud Mental (CIBERSAM),
de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain Madrid, Spain

K A review of binge eating disorder and obesity


ler Ansatzpunkte für Prävention und Intervention. amined in samples comprising individuals with over-
Patienten mit BES zeigen oft eine hochgradige Komor- weight or obesity, the estimated rates obtained are no-
bidität mit anderen somatischen und psychischen Er- tably higher. In the last above-mentioned study, the
krankungen. Für zahlreiche Risikofaktoren wurde ein lifetime prevalence of BED varied depending on body
Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung und Erhaltung mass index (BMI) of the participants: 1.2% in over-
der Störung ermittelt. Obwohl sich einige therapeuti- weight subjects, as well as 2.6% and 4.5% in obese
sche Ansätze in Bezug auf verschiedene Kernaspekte subjects with a BMI = 30–35 and BMI ≥35, respectively
der BES als wirksam erwiesen haben, hat nur ein [10]. Similarly, a recent study which evaluated preva-
sehr geringer Anteil der Patienten je eine spezifische lence rates of mental disorders in individuals with
Behandlung erhalten. Es werden Einflussfaktoren er- obesity showed BED prevalence rates between 3.3 and
örtert und die Frage diskutiert, wie sich wirksame 5.5% [11]. These results suggest a direct correlation
Therapien umsetzen lassen, um die Esssymptomatik between BED prevalence and BMI, with BED lifetime
und komorbide Adipositas zu beeinflussen. prevalence becoming higher while BMI increases.
Given that BED is strongly associated with BMI,
Schlüsselwörter Binge-eating-Störung · Adipositas · some studies have calculated the percentage of over-
Risikofaktoren · Behandlung · Prävalenz weight and obesity in people who suffer from BED.
The WHO World Mental Health Survey reported that
Introduction 30.7% of individuals with lifetime BED had overweight
and 32.8% suffered from obesity [9]. Nevertheless, the
Binge eating disorder (BED) is a type of eating dis- percentage of lifetime obesity in BED substantially in-
order (ED) recently included in the Diagnostic and creased to 87.8% in another investigation where the
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition sample was composed of 1383 ED female patients
(DSM-5) [1]. According to DSM-5 criteria, BED, like diagnosed by experienced psychologists according to
bulimia nervosa (BN), is characterised by recurrent DSM-IV-TR criteria [3]. According to the authors, the
binge eating episodes (i.e. episodes of overeating with prevalence of obesity within BED might be biased by
loss of control), at least once a week for the preceding the way BED was diagnosed. Therefore, a formal di-
3 months. However, in contrast to BN, there is an agnosis of the patient’s pathology is highly important
absence of inappropriate compensatory behaviours when examining the relation between BED and obe-
(such as purging, fasting or excessive exercise). sity. This diagnosis should be made by a specialist
Due to the caloric overconsumption involved, BED psychologist/psychiatrist following the diagnosis cri-
is strongly associated with obesity [2–4]. BED is much teria described in the DSM-5 for BED.
more severe than overeating, since it is associated Gender differences have also been found in BED
with more subjective distress regarding the eating be- lifetime prevalence, which appears to be higher in
haviour. BED frequently impacts quality of life, is women (2.1–3.5%) than in men (0.9–2.0%) [8, 10]. Per-
associated with psychopathological features (mainly sonal and family history of obesity also play an impor-
stress, negative affect, depression or anxiety) and con- tant role in the development of BED; for instance, the
fers an increased risk of comorbid medical conditions previously mentioned study exploring obesity in ED
(e.g. metabolic syndrome: mainly type 2 diabetes, hy- patients, found that 62.8% of patients with BED had
percholesterolemia and hypertension) [5–7]. a family history of obesity and almost 29.0% suffered
from childhood obesity [3]. Furthermore, a family his-
Epidemiology of binge eating disorder tory of BED has been considered a risk factor for suf-
fering obesity in adulthood [12].
The prevalence of BED varies depending on the di-
agnostic criteria used for its assessment and the type Clinical and psychopathological features
of sample evaluated. Two large-scale studies have as- associated with BED
sessed BED prevalence in community samples using
a text revision of the DSM-IVE (DSM-IV-TR) criteria A wide range of psychiatric disorders are present in
[8, 9]. Whereas the US National Comorbidity Sur- most patients suffering from BED [13]. According to
vey Replication study reported a BED lifetime preva- Grilo [14], 67.0% of BED patients had at least one
lence of 2.8% [8], an average lifetime prevalence of additional lifetime psychiatric disorder, and 37.0%
1.9% was obtained when a total of 24,124 adult re- had at least one current psychiatric disorder, mood
spondents from 14 different countries on three conti- and anxiety disorders being the most frequent co-
nents (America, Europe and Oceania) were evaluated morbidities. Approximately, between 30.0 and 80.0%
by the WHO World Mental Health Survey [9]. Sub- of individuals with BED present lifetime comorbid
sequently, the US National Health and Wellness Sur- mood and anxiety disorders [15–20], but also some
vey assessed another community sample but taking related pathologies such as bipolar disorder [10].
into account the DSM-5 criteria, observing a similar Furthermore, evidence points to impulse control im-
BED lifetime prevalence of 2.0% [10]. On the other pairments in patients with BED [21]. Therefore, other
hand, when the lifetime occurrence of BED is ex- common comorbidities reported in individuals with

A review of binge eating disorder and obesity K


BED comprise numerous addiction disorders such daily functioning also correlate with childhood onset,
as substance use/abuse (22.0%) [16], gambling prob- although no associations were found between age of
lems (5.7–18.7%) [22, 23] as well as compulsive buying onset and higher frequency of binge eating or higher
(7.4–18.5%) [24, 25]. Likewise, food addiction (FA) is BMI [18].
a concept of growing interest which has recently been Additionally, most BED patients present impair-
closely related to BED [26]. FA is a term employed to ments in their psychological well-being, including
describe addictive-like compulsive overeating which aspects such as autonomy, environmental mastery,
involves cravings and difficulties in abstaining from self-acceptance [43] as well as emotional regulation
high-calorie foods [27]. Even though FA may appear [44]. Another frequent characteristic of BED is the
to be similar to BED, it is important to note that while overvaluation of body shape and weight, which is
BED is a classified and diagnosable mental disorder, strongly related to a greater severity of eating-related
FA remains a controversial concept which has not yet psychopathology, higher psychological distress and
been recognized as a diagnostic entity. In addition, a poorer prognosis of the disease [14]. Psychological
FA has been linked to a greater extent to addictive impairments could also have direct consequences on
disorders than to ED due to neurochemistry similari- suicidal behaviour, especially on those BED individu-
ties [28, 29], specifically in terms of the dopaminergic als with depressive symptoms [45, 46].
reward system. Previous studies found that around
50.0% of obese adults diagnosed with BED also met Specific risk and maintenance factors for BED
criteria for FA [30, 31] assessed with the Yale Food
addiction Scale (YFAS) [32]. Similarly, recent studies From a holistic perspective, a wide range of factors
showed a high percentage (i.e. ranging from 76.9 to must be considered in order to understand the com-
87.2%) of FA in patients with BED who were screened plexity of BED, such as environmental (socio-cultural
with the YFAS [33–36]. These findings suggest that and family patterns) and individual factors (biological,
some cases of compulsive overeating, an essential genetic and psychological), as well as the interactions
feature of BED, share pronounced similarities with between these [47, 48] (see Fig. 1).
conventional addictions such as substance abuse
[37]. Additionally, comorbid personality disorders Environmental risk factors
have been also identified in BED patients, especially
avoidant, obsessive-compulsive and borderline per- It has been widely described that some specific socio-
sonality disorders [38]. Moreover, some patients with environmental conditions may act as shared risk fac-
BED also meet criteria for comorbid attention deficit tors for BED and obesity. Of the most frequent vulner-
and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) [10]. ability factors, the following are highlighted: weight-
Focusing on obesity, previous studies reported that teasing by family and peers, perceived weight-related
individuals with obesity and BED presented signif- social pressure, frequent negative comments or bul-
icantly higher levels of general psychopathology in lying [49, 50]. Furthermore, images on television or
comparison with those without BED [39–41]. In re- social media promoting society’s focus on thinness
lation to the onset of the disease, individuals that de- and ideals of beauty contribute to body dissatisfac-
veloped BED during their childhood presented greater tion, which, in turn, may also act as a risk factor for
comorbidity rates than those with an onset in adult- eating disorders, including BED [50].
hood [42]. More severe psychopathology and poorer

Fig. 1 Individual and en-

vironmental risk factors of
binge eating disorder (BED)

K A review of binge eating disorder and obesity


Several family risk factors, such as family overeat- these associations [66, 67]. The lack of genome-wide
ing, having a parent with a mood, anxiety or substance association studies (GWAS) or epigenetic research in
use disorder, family discord, high parental demands or BED hinder advances towards a better understand-
parental perfectionism as well as parental separation, ing of its aetiology and, therefore, its prevention and
have been identified as possible predictors involved treatment [68].
in the onset of BED [51]. Similarly, Fairburn et al. [52]
found that parental criticism about shape, weight and Psychological and personality risk factors
eating, as well as high expectations of the family, were There is broad empirical evidence indicating that
also relevant risk factors for developing BED. Further- some specific psychological features, such as low self-
more, traumatic life events or life stressors (such as esteem, negative self-evaluation and high body dis-
death or separation from a friend or family member, satisfaction, might contribute to the development of
the end of a relationship, etc.) and adverse childhood BED [52, 69]. Likewise, low self-esteem interacts with
experiences (sexual and physical abuse and parental other factors to predict BED [70]. Whereas Striegel-
problems) also increase the risk of BED [52–54]. In ad- Moore et al. [51] reported that both negative affect
dition, stress of pregnancy and overvaluation of preg- and perfectionism increase the risk of BED, Sehm
nancy-related weight gain have also been related to and Warschburger [70] found that the lack of inte-
BED [55]. roceptive awareness and body dissatisfaction were
the most robust predictors of BED. All these findings
Individual risk factors suggest a complex aetiology of BED and reinforce the
idea that the combination of multiple psychological
Biological-genetic risk factors factors, not just the presence of one, influences the
Despite the high prevalence of BED, its aetiology re- onset of the disorder.
mains understudied, and little is known about the bi- A large body of research suggests a link between
ological-genetic features underlying this disorder [56]. emotion regulation and BED [71]. This relationship
The fact that obesity exists in the absence of BED and is bidirectional and it can sometimes be maladaptive,
vice versa reveals that the genetic and environmen- that is to say: when negative affect and emotional
tal factors which contribute to both pathologies are dysregulation precede the appearance of binge-eat-
not exactly the same ones [57]. Notably, some stud- ing episodes and overeating, in turn, exacerbating the
ies have assessed potential biological substrates which guilt and embarrassment from losing control over eat-
might contribute to the pathogenesis of the disorder ing, generating a vicious circle [72].
(mainly genetic factors). On the other hand, BED has frequently been associ-
Recent genetic research (based on family, twin and ated with specific personality traits such as high levels
molecular studies) suggests that familiar and genetic of impulsiveness, sensation seeking and lack of per-
factors may act as risk factors for BED [58]. BED is sistence [73]. Likewise, it has also been described that
moderately heritable, with heritability estimated to BED patients with obesity report higher harm avoid-
range from 41.0 to 57.0% [59, 60]. However, the ge- ance (highly correlated with neuroticism) and lower
netics of BED are complex and imply interactions with scores in self-directedness and persistence than non-
environmental factors. BED individuals with obesity [41].
Genetic association studies in BED have mostly in- Both high neuroticism and high impulsivity were
vestigated genes implicated in dopamine, serotonin significantly associated with a higher lifetime preva-
and appetite systems. Genetic underpinnings of BED lence of BED [74]. This combination of high impul-
include alterations in the dopaminergic (related to re- sivity and neuroticism may be conceptualized as neg-
ward) and opioidergic (responsible for the food-re- ative urgency—the tendency to engage in rash actions
lated hedonic response) systems, which contribute and risky behaviours (i.e. impulsivity) when expe-
to impulsivity-compulsivity and reward-related pro- riencing strong negative emotions (i.e. neuroticism)
cesses [60]. Although other neurotransmitter systems [75]. High scores on negative urgency have been as-
(e.g. serotoninergic, noradrenergic or glutamatergic) sociated with vulnerability to stress, reduced capacity
have been associated with the neuropathophysiology to problem solving and poor coping strategies such
of BED, dopaminergic genes seem to be the most im- as escape-avoidance coping [74]. Similarly, the study
portant contributors to BED due to their relationship of Wolz et al. [76] suggests that low self-directedness
with the reward system [60, 61]. Also, the potential and emotion dysregulation predict negative urgency
role of other additional candidate genes for BED has in BED patients and are highly associated with binge-
been explored. However, research is sparse, with con- eating symptomatology.
tradictory findings and a lack of replications. In this However, in a study assessing individuals with obe-
regard, while some studies have found that different sity seeking weight loss treatment, the authors found
variants of genes such as MC4R (melanocortin 4 re- that those with and without BED scored similarly on
ceptor) [62], BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) negative urgency, suggesting that negative urgency
[63] or FTO (Fat Mass and Obesity related gene) [64, 65] may also be elevated in obese non-BED populations
may be candidate genes for BED, others failed to find [77]. These discrepancies indicate that research on

A review of binge eating disorder and obesity K


BED is limited and findings have been inconsistent. Behavioural risk factors
These inconsistencies open a new line of debate, Dieting is the most described behavioural risk factor
which implies the need for further studies compar- for BED onset. It is well documented that dieting in-
ing personality traits among BED individuals with and creases the risk of overeating to counteract the caloric
without obesity, and patients with obesity but without deprivation and, therefore, weight gain over time. Fur-
BED. thermore, some of the above-described psychologi-
cal risk factors such as body dissatisfaction, perceived
Neuropsychological and brain activity risk factors pressure to be thin, emotional eating and negative af-
Until very recently, little was known about the neu- fect interact and mutually reinforce each other, pro-
ropsychological mechanisms which could be involved moting dieting and, therefore, increasing the risk for
in the development and maintenance of BED. Nev- BED [93]. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle and the pref-
ertheless, growing evidence suggests that cognitive erence for high-calorie foods are critical in the course
processes may underlie both eating behaviours and of BED patients with obesity, so they are also impor-
BED, behaving as potential risk factors; however, tant maintenance factors to consider [94, 95]. Like-
these processes are still barely understood [78]. In- wise, it is worth noting that binge eating also predicts
cluded within the mentioned neuropsychological obesity onset [93].
mechanisms one finds the executive function (EF),
which involves higher-level cognitive processes im- Treatment approaches for BED
plicated in the formation of successful goal-directed
behaviours [79]. Previous research suggests that eat- BED treatment rates seem to be low; in fact, only
ing disorders are associated with impairments in EF 38.0% of patients with a lifetime diagnosis of BED have
[80, 81], although studies examining EF deficits in ever received specific treatment for an eating disorder
BED are currently limited [82]. At present, the EF [9]. However, the current literature provides optimal
problems observed in subjects with BED consist of data on the most effective treatments for BED. Rig-
deficits in set-shifting [83–86], inhibitory control [82, orous studies have highlighted the need to address
86–88], decision-making [83, 89], problem solving [82, the following key aspects in order to guarantee the ef-
84, 86], attention [87] as well as working memory [84]. fectiveness of the treatment: eating symptomatology
In addition, delay discounting impairments (i.e. the (reducing binge eating), associated psychopathology
extent to which the perceived value of a reward de- (especially depression and anxiety), emotional prob-
creases as the reward is delayed) were also observed lems, psychosocial functioning (identifying and man-
in individuals with BED, who displayed higher pri- aging stressful situations such as traumatic events, im-
oritization of immediate versus delayed rewards in proving interpersonal skills and relationships and en-
comparison with subjects without BED [82]. In this hancing coping strategies and quality of life), as well
line, individuals with BED reported altered reward/ as excess weight and metabolic problems ([96]; see
punishment sensitivity [90]. Furthermore, set-shifting Table 1).
impairments seem to decrease the ability to handle
negative affect and increase loss of control over eating Psychological and behavioural first-line treatments
in individuals with BED [91]. for BED
The evidence from neuroimaging studies reports
structural abnormalities and neural vulnerability fac- Leading psychological and behavioural treatments
tors related to obesity and BED. Regarding obesity, include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), inter-
a review of Val-Laillet et al. [92] elucidated a decrease personal psychotherapy (IPT), dialectical behaviour
in the basal metabolism of the prefrontal cortex and therapy (DBT) and behavioural weight loss treatment
striatum as well as dopaminergic alterations in indi- (BWL) [97, 98].
viduals with obesity; at the same time, they presented The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
increased activation of reward brain areas in response guideline [99] identifies CBT as the first choice treat-
to palatable food cues, which could trigger food crav- ment for BED. CBT directly targets the normalization
ing and weight gain. On the other hand, according of eating patterns and promotes behavioural and cog-
to another review by Kessler et al. [9], BED may be nitive changes in order to prepare the patient for cop-
related to altered reward sensitivity and food-related ing with stressful situations, which reduces binge eat-
attentional biases. These authors suggest that indi- ing episodes. As primary outcomes, the CBT model
viduals with BED present corticostriatal circuitry al- presents high long-term effectiveness (i.e. long-lasting
terations similar to those observed in individuals with absence of binge-eating symptomatology), but also
substance abuse disorders; these abnormalities in- great improvements in comorbid psychopathology at
clude altered function of prefrontal, insular and or- 48-month follow-up [100]. The IPT model, which fo-
bitofrontal cortices and the striatum. cuses on the interpersonal difficulties that develop
and maintain the disorder, has shown similar marked
long-term effectiveness to CBT [100]. In this regard,
recent studies report recovery rates of 50.0–65.0% (ab-

K A review of binge eating disorder and obesity


Table 1 Treatment approaches for binge eating disorder

Treatment approaches Treatment targets Limitations and strengths based on evidence
Binge Comorbid Weight and Quality Emotion Psychosocial
eating psychiatric metabolic of life regula- functioning
reduction pathology problems tion
Psychological treatments
CBT1,2,3,4 ++ ++ – + + ++ Empirical evidence; long-term effectiveness
IPT2,3,4 ++ ++ – + + ++ Empirical evidence; long-term effectiveness
DBT3,4 + + – + ++ + Further research is needed
Behavioural treatment
BWL4 + – ++ ++ – – Less effectiveness in reducing binge eating
SSRIs5 + ++ – + + – Unwanted effects on weight
Orlistat5, 6 – – ++ – – – Ineffective in reducing binge eating fre-
Topiramate5,7,8 + + + + – – Adjuvant treatment; adverse side effects
LDX5,9,10 + + + + – – HR and BP should be closely monitored
Other adjuvant treatments
Exercise11,12 + + + ++ – + Further research is needed
Mindfulness4 + + – ++ ++ + Further research is needed
– = No effect, + = discrete or variable effect, ++ = relevant effect
CBT cognitive behavioural therapy, IPT interpersonal therapy, DBT dialectical behaviour therapy, BWL behavioral weight loss treatment, SSRIs selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors, HR heart rate, BP blood pressure, LDX Lisdexamfetamine
Sources: 1National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004 [99]; 2Hilbert, Bishop, Stein, Tanofsky-Kraff, Swenson, Welch, Wilfley, 2012 [100]; 3Wilson,
Wilfley, Agras, Bryson, 2010 [101]; 4Iacovino, Gredysa, Altman, Wilfley, 2012 [102]; 5Davis Attia, 2017 [109]; 6Grilo &White, 2013 [110]; 7McElroy, Shapira,
Arnold, Keck, Rosenthal, Wu, Capece, Fazzio, Hudson, 2004 [111]; 8Claudino, de Oliveira, Appolinario, Cordás, Duchesne, Sichieri, Bacaltchuk, 2007 [112];
9McElroy, Mitchell, Wilfley, Gasior, Ferreira-Cornwell, McKay, Wang, Whitaker, Hudson, 2016 [114]; 10Bello and Yeomans 2017 [115]; 11Vancampfort, De
Herdt, Vanderlinden, Lannoo, Soundy, Pieters, Adriaens, De Hert, Probst, 2014 [107]; 12Mathisen, Rosenvinge, Friborg, Vrabel, Bratland-Sanda, Pettersen, &
Sundgot-Borgen, 2020 [106]

sence of binge eating), which are maintained at fol- ative urgency (a key feature involved in the develop-
low-up [101]. To a lesser extent, DBT, which is mainly ment of BED) [105].
focused in emotion regulation, distress tolerance and On the other hand, some studies cover the bene-
interpersonal effectiveness, has also shown promis- fits of adding exercise to CBT for BED, showing both
ing results in reducing binge eating and associated a reduction in binge-eating symptomatology and an
psychopathology [102]. However, further research is improvement in comorbid depression and anxiety
needed to elucidate its long-term effectiveness (by [95, 106]. BED patients often report physical com-
means of 24- to 48-month follow-up). Although both plications due to comorbid obesity and sedentary
CBT and IPT have a sustained effect on binge eating lifestyle, the majority of them being extremely in-
and slowing down the course of weight gain, they fail active [94, 107]. Recent findings indicate that BED
to produce weight loss in patients with BED, which patients, when compared to obese non-BED patients
often present obesity [96]. In this regard, the study and normal weight controls, display the greatest lim-
by Agüera et al. [103] suggests that some typical fea- itations in physical activity and self-perception [108].
tures of BED, such as dissatisfaction with body shape In addition, the positive effect of enhancing physical
and the urge to lose weight, may be responsible for activity/exercise in these patients has been shown
the high dropout rates of these therapies. To address to be associated with improved quality of life and
this weakness, some authors have carried out research physical self-perception [107].
using a behavioural therapy based on caloric reduc-
tion and promotion of physical activity (namely BWL). Pharmacological first-line treatments for BED
BWL is widely used to treat obesity and appears to be
useful for weight loss; however, it is less effective than Pharmacotherapy is not the primary treatment for
CBT or IPT in maintaining binge eating reduction at BED, but it is often indicated as a supplement in ther-
follow-up [101]. apeutic interventions, mainly to address depressive
Furthermore, adjuvant treatment to usual therapy, symptoms and weight management. Some antide-
such as mindfulness, has shown preliminary useful- pressants have been shown to be effective in reducing
ness and effectiveness for improving overall health, binge eating frequency, but they do not have the de-
well-being and sustainability of outcomes [102, 104]. sired effect on weight loss [109]. On the other hand,
In other words, both mindfulness and emotion regu- weight management medication, such as Orlistat (a li-
lation strategies might be effective for addressing neg- pase inhibitor used to treat obesity), has been shown

A review of binge eating disorder and obesity K


to be useful for treating weight loss in non-BED in- other medical and psychiatric disorders. Numerous
dividuals with obesity, but it reveals ineffectiveness risk factors have been associated with the develop-
among those with BED [110]. ment and maintenance of the disorder, from individ-
Currently, the first-choice drug used in BED is top- ual to environmental risk factors. Moreover, although
iramate, an anti-epileptic medication. Randomized some treatments for BED have proven to be effective
placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated that CBT in addressing different key aspects of the disorder, the
plus topiramate improved the efficacy of the psycho- rates of patients that have ever received specific treat-
logical therapy in severe cases, reducing both binge ment for the eating disorder are very low. This brings
eating frequency and weight [111, 112]. However, to the table a debate about which factors may be re-
topiramate should occasionally be withdrawn due to sponsible for the low rates of BED treatment. For ex-
its adverse effects, such as headache, paresthesias, ample, although BED has been a nosological entity
amenorrhea or sedation [111]. Lisdexamfetamine since 2013 with the publication of DSM-5, it is still an
(LDX) is a stimulant of the central nervous system unknown disorder. Therefore, patients with BED seek-
which has also proved its efficacy for treating patients ing treatment are sometimes referred to other non-
with BED. Recent studies treating BED patients with specific units of eating disorders. On the other hand,
LDX showed good results in reducing binge eating be- BED patients usually have a strong urge to lose weight,
haviours, comorbid symptoms and decreasing weight which interferes with psychological treatments and
in these patients [114, 115]. However, although LDX increases the risk of dropout. In the light of these
is generally safe and well-tolerated, some emergent data, it is important to consider the clinical impli-
adverse effects such as elevations in heart rate and cations. It would be necessary to determine which
blood pressure should be closely monitored by physi- therapeutic tools might be effective for improving the
cians. In sum, the gaps in the literature and the treatment of patients with BED, especially for reduc-
methodological limitations of the studies make the ing the dropout rates. In this regard, further studies
understanding of pharmacotherapy in BED still far are needed to assess the extent to which patients with
from conclusive [113]. BED can benefit from other therapeutic approaches,
for example, by designing comprehensive treatments
Predictors, mediators and moderators of treatment which include psychological therapies complemented
outcomes for patients with BED by adjuvant treatments, such as exercise or mindful-
A large number of demographic and clinical variables
Funding The authors would like to thank CERCA Pro-
(including eating-related and general psychopathol- gramme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support.
ogy, as well as personality) have been tested as This manuscript was supported by grants from the Instituto
possible predictors, mediators and/or moderators de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (FIS PI14/00290 and PI17/01167),
of treatment outcomes in patients with BED. The by the SLT006/17/00246 grant, funded by the Department
baseline predictors most frequently associated with of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the call “Acció
both short-term and long-term treatment outcomes instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en l‘àmbit de
la recerca i la innovació en salut”, and co-funded by FEDER
include: motivation and self-efficacy, self-esteem,
funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way
psychopathology and negative affect, weight/shape to build Europe. CIBERObn and CIBERSAM are both initia-
concerns and frequency of binge behaviours [102, tives of the ISCIII. María Lozano-Madrid is also supported by
116, 117]. Regarding mediational factors, a rapid re- a predoctoral Grant of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura
sponse (i.e. early symptom improvement) was found y Deporte (FPU15/02911).
to be the most salient mediator of treatment outcome Conflict of interest Z. Agüera, M. Lozano-Madrid, N. Mal-
[117]. Finally, a few studies analysing moderators lorquí-Bagué, S. Jiménez-Murcia, J.M. Menchón and F. Fer-
of treatment outcome in patients with BED found nández-Aranda declare that they have no competing interests.
that overvaluation of body shape and weight was the The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study;
most robust moderator between the intervention re- in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the
ceived and its outcomes, specifically in relation to the writing of the manuscript; nor in the decision to publish the
reduction in eating-related psychopathology and de-
pression levels [116]. Unfortunately, the results in the
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