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Week 7 - Task: Assignment - Where is the hospital?


Parque Media Luna, Mercado de Magdalena, Parque Benemérita Guardia Civil, Museo Larco, Plaza de la
Bandera, Universidad San Marcos, Calle San Miguel.


Good afternoon teacher, today my partner and I are going to make the dialogue for the task:
Assignment - Where is the hospital? Of week 7, well let’s begin.

Brian: Hello Sergio, how is it going for you?

Sergio: Hi Brian, I'm doing well and you?

Brian: I'm doing well too, and I'm wanting to ask you something, do you know how to arrive to the
University of San Marcos? some friends told me that there isn’t any bus station near the university.
Sergio: Yes, I know. First you need to go to San Isidro and take a bus to arrive to Mercado de Magdalena.

Brian: Ok, and where is the Mercado de Magdalena, I don’t remember where it is.

Sergio: It is near the Parque Media Luna and in front of the Parque Benemérita Guardia Civil.

Brian: ok thanks. Where do I need to go then?

Sergio: Well, there aren’t any bus stations around the Mercado, so you are going to walk at Museo Larco
to take another bus to the university, and advice to recognize where the Museum is, it’s near Plaza de la

Brian: ok thank, I know the way at this point. I’m going to arrive at some hospital that is near to the
university, right?

Sergio: No, there aren’t any hospitals there, but there is a bus station not too far from the university

Brian: Okay, thank you Sergio, see you tomorrow.

Sergio: Goodbye Brian, take care.

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