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Autumn is one of the four Earth’s seasons, that goes after summer and foreshadows
winter. This season also can be called as Fall and it is about big changes in nature and
environment. Autumn means a lot of fun and outdoors activities. It brings different colors to
the people’s life – yellow, red, orange, brown and more. The temperature becomes colder, days
shorter. Animals starting preparation for cold months and plants stop making food, everything
in the nature slowly starting to fall asleep.
Temperatures become cooler, in some regions you should be ready even for hurricanes
and Autumn season is mostly about rainfalls. But, of course, the main sign of Fall is when
leaves start to change their colors and everything automatically becomes more magnificent and
beautiful. Plants throwing their seeds on the ground or wind and also some animals can eat
them or take for preparation for the winter period.
Autumn is a time for harvest. Farmers and gardeners collect apples, pumpkins, pears,
corn and other different crops, because the first frost can come suddenly and all the efforts to
growing them will be in vain. Days become shorter and nights longer. Also the moon is brighter
in this period of year and also some new stars can be visible.
Everyone know that Autumn always brings rainy days, gray and heavy clouds in some days in
the sky and winds. In this time of the year different types of mushrooms start to grow. They
can have different colors and shapes,! but be careful, some of them are dangerous even to touch
Another interesting thing that happens only in Autumn is murmurations of starlings. The get in
big groups with thousands or even more birds and swinging together. It is worth to see!
Also, Autumn season makes birds to fly away to warmer climes, so everyone would be able to
see bird “keys”, flying away.
Almost all trees start to change their color, when the Autumn season is coming. It is
very pleasant to us to look at this amazing gold, red, yellow and others. So go outdoors and
enjoy this amazing time! Feel autumn vibes everywhere.
As the weather becomes colder, the temperature of ground is colder too, that is why plants stop
giving food. The best flower to plant in Autumn is crocus. This small, but very beautiful flower
will please you every day with bright colors. As you know, Autumn is a harvest period. A lot
of farmers start to collect their crops, different fruits and vegetables. But it is also a time when
you can grow something. For example, a baby spinach, snow peas, radishes, garlic and kale.

Cohesion devices Identify Analysis
Reference that, it, their, -that goes after summer
(that refer to Autumn season)
-It brings different colors to..(It refer
to Autumn)
- leaves start to change their colors
and everything (their refer to leaves)
- Plants throwing their seeds on
(their refer to plants)
- Almost all trees start to change
their color (their refer to trees)
- but be careful, some of them are
dangerous even to touch..
(them refer to mushrooms)
Conjuction Adversative conjuction : but -But, of course, the main sign of
Additive conjuction : and Fall…
Causal conjuction :so - that goes after summer and
Temporal conjuction : for foreshadows
example - life – yellow, red, orange, brown
and more
- .But it is also a time when you can
grow something.
- So go outdoors and enjoy….
- For example, a baby spinach,
snow peas,…

Cohesion devices Identify Analysis
Repetition Autumn Autumn is one of the four Earth’s
seasons, that goes after summer and
foreshadows winter. Autumn means
a lot of fun and outdoors activities….
synonym Autumn, harvest Autumn is a harvest period.
Autumn is a harvest period.

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