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In today's Portoviejo, it can be seen how work has diversified since now not only the person who

completes university studies can carry out said action, but also that individual who has the capacity for
something in particular can generate their own employment creating opportunities for others.

General objective • Demonstrate how job independence is an aid to increase Jobs.

Specific objectives ➢ Identify the main cause of unemployment in the community of Portoviejo. ➢
Analyze why a third degree is no longer necessary to start a business. ➢ Determine the importance of
employment growth

Citizenship has been affected by an important factor called unemployment, which under

the concept of Chen (1990) has as main causes:

The economic, political, social, environmental crisis and the advances towards an era in

which new technologies mark the path of productivity, and consequently the work factor

is modified, that is, the workforce is reduced.

Portoviejo in recent years has maintained relative stability compared to past rates, however, these
figures are not lower than expected, since the community continues to be affected by such a situation,
this can be evidenced by certain factors, however, in the province of the Portoviejo 2035 plan it is
mentioned that:

There are 14 collection centers identified in the study carried out by the Cantonal Directorate of
Economic Development in 2019, the same ones that are not capable of strengthening the potential
productive chains in Portoviejo, due to the increase in demand for the main products generated in the

The research had a qualitative-quantitative approach to know "the decrease in work activities in the
community of Portoviejo", since it had an analytical, argumentative and descriptive objective, which
could be exercised thanks to the studies carried out from the opinions of the citizens surveyed.

This approach could be understood through statistical analysis, which was obtained from data collection
through an interview in google forms, as well as physical consultations with relatives and acquaintances
made by each member of the work team in their localities.
In short, unemployment will always be of interest to the entire population since it has become an
influential factor within any society. The study carried out shows that people, on many occasions,
choose to start their own business or go to other places in search of more opportunities; however, it is
important to emphasize the efforts that the citizens of Portoviejo maintain to extend the doors for field
labor and to continue without having any profession, since currently an individual who has the capacity
for something in particular can generate their own employment.

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