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Nama : Zakia Daffa Rayhan Putra

Jurusan : S1 Akuntansi

Nim : 222029

1. - Nike: the world's more Popular and biggest sportswear company. In just over 50 years one man's
dream of better shoes turned into a Corporation worth over a $100 mon.

- Today we're going back to the earliest days of Nike to figure out how that magic happened and what
the ingredients were to their success. The year is 1967 and Phil Knight had just graduated can tell you,
becoming An entrepreneur is difficult if you don't have any good ideas, but Phil had one.

- He was a runner back in university and in one of his business

classes, he had written a paper proposing the following idea.

- Phil und seen now Japanese cameras had replaced the dominant German cameras in the American
market and he wondered wether Japanese.

- Shoes could do the same to Puma and Adidas, which were at the time extremely popular in America.

- After writing that paper and graduating, Phit became obsessed with his

idea about bringing Japanese choes to the USA.

2. Simple Past Tense

Example : - who was the guy who single

- handedly brought jogging to america

- He received his first shipment of twelve pairs of tiger shoes in 1963

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