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What is human resources management?

>I t is a pract ice comprising t he se r va l

activities in planning , developing , and
retaining an effective and efficient workforce.
>It is effective and efficient
t,maintenance,and itilization of manpower in
a n o r g a n i z a t i o n .
What are the roles assumed by the human
resource department?

>The roles include awareness of the legal

aspects of staffing,strategic human resources
planning,recruitment and selection,
orientation,training and
development,performance evaluation, and
giv ing of co m p e n sat i o n a nd be nef i t s.
5.2 Steps in the recruitment and
selection process.
What are the steps in
human resource
p l a n n i n g ?
1.) Forecast the labor demand - managers analyze
the number of workers needed based on the sales
f o r e c a s t .
2.) Determine labor supply - managers determine
the availability of skilled workers who can meet the
b u s i n e s s ' l a b o r d e m a n d s .
3 . ) D e v e l o p a h u m a n r e s o u rc e p l a n - t h i s
determines the number of people and the skills
needed. A balance between the labor demand and
s u p p l y i s n e e d e d .
W h at i s re c r u i t m e nt ?
>It is the process of attracting
job candidates whose skills and
c h a ra c t e r i s t i c s f i t t h e j o b
openings in the company
What are the purposes of recruitment?
>Among the purposes are to find
employees who can fit into the
organization's culture and to select
candidates who can perform the
a s s i g n e d ta s ks i n a n exc e l l e nt
m a n n e r .
What is job identification?
>The human resource manager
identifies the job and employee's
qualification which is needed for
the performance. The aim of
which is to find a match between
the employee and the job.
What is a job analysis?
>This involves the
identification of what a
particular position entails and
the qualifications needed for
t h e p o s i t i o n .
What are the different sources of recruits?
>Current employees may be promoted if
there are job vacancies. Also, referrals from
current employees, former applicants and
employees, and advertisements can be
sources of recruits. Recruitment may also
done through online websites, employment
agencies, and college or university job fairs.
What is the importance of
selection process?
>It is used to select and hire the
workers who will be performing
based on the existing criteria of
t h e c o m p a n y .
What are the steps in the selection process?
>Selection will start from the moment
a prospective employee submits his
cover letter, transcript of records and
resume to the recruiter. A screening
interview is done to determine
whether an applicant should be given
further consideration.
What are examples of employment
>Psychological and personnel
tests are done to measure an
applicant's ability to cope with
work and deal with his
c o l l e a g u e s .
What is done in a job interview?
>This interview is more thorough and
comprehensive than the screening interview.
This gives the interviewer the opportunity to
determine if the applicant is fit for the job.
Also, this gives the applicant an opportunity
to learn more about the company and know
if he/she likes the job and the organization.
What is the importance of reference checking?
>A recruiter will inquire about the applicant's
suitability for employment from the latter's
previous employer. This is an inquiry about the
integrity and reliability of the prospective
employee. Reference checking may also include
looking into possible criminal charges, convictions,
or co-worker's comments about the applicant's
r e p u t a t i o n .
Why is physical examination important?
>This gives the re c r ui te r t he i de a of t he
applicant's fitness for the job and his/her ability
to handle the recruitments of the position
he/she is applying. Some companies require that
new applicants undergo illegal drug and alcohol
testing to applicants. Accident and absenteeism
for alcohol and drug dependents can negatively
i m p a c t t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n .
5.3 Recognize the different training program

What is training?
It is a plan activity intented for fostering and
enhancing learning regarding their job skills
and performance. Training can develop both
hard and soft skills.
What is needs assessment?
It is a tool for determining wether there is a need for
training. It is usually the first phase of traning. The
assessment will consider wether there are activities in the
business that will require additional skills.

What is the second phase of training?

The development and conduct of training is the second
phase which includes identification and determination of
objectives, resource persons, location, and facilities and
What are the types of training based place of
t r a i n i n g ?
1. Off-the-job training- usually includes formal or
informal which includes seminars outside the
c o m p a n y .
2. On the job-trainin - this is a training that takes
place in the actual work setting. A supervisor or
trainer usually guides or overseas the employees
u n d e rg o i n g s u c h t ra i n i n g .
D E V E L O P M E N T ?
It is a long term process where
the employees are assisted so
that they can develop their full
p o t e n t i a l .
1. Assessment phase- this helps employees to decide
the career path that is fitting for them
2. Direction phase- this involves a job analysis to
help shape the steps that will help employees in
attaining their career goals.
3. Development phase-includes programs to help an
employeegrow and move along his desired career
T H E D I R E C T I O N S P H A S E ?
A. Promotion forecasts- helps in a preparation for
a n a d v a n c e m e n t p o t e n t i a l
B. Succession planning- helps a subordinate in
p o t e n t i a l j o b o p e n i n g s
C. Individual career counselin- helps in examining
an employee's career stages
1. Mentoring - a more experienced employee train,
develops, and guides a lesser experienced employe
2. Coaching- this involves developmental activities which
includes meetings betwwe managers and employees to
discuss opportunities and career goals among others
3. Job rotation- employees are assignes to various jobs to
improve their skills and allow them to learn the different
l a r t s p f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n
Performance evaluation opens a message
channel between supervisor and employees, it
provides feedback to employees, and it helps
managers decide on who should be paid more
based on performance.
5.4 Identify the policy Guidelines on compensation/wages and
performance evaluation/appraisal
●What is compensation?
It is the payment given to employees for their
contributions to the company.
●What is the difference between a salary and a wage?
Salary is associated with employee compensation quoted
on an annual basis. On the other hand, wages is best
associated with employee compensation based on the
number of hours worked multiplied by an hourly rate pay.
W h a t a r e p a y i n c e n t i v e s ?
These are rewards for employees in compensation for
their good performance. Examples include overtime pay,
night shift differential, hazard pay, and holiday pay.

What is a strategic compensation?

It is a compensation system that supports the firm’s
business strategy. For example, a firm wanting to expand
market share will implement a commission basis to
g e n e r a t e m o r e s a l e s .
•What are the factors that affecta firm’s compensation
Internal and external equity, as well as employee contribution,
can affect the firm’s compensational program.
•What is internal equity?
This refers to the perceived fairness of the pay structure in a firm.
A job evaluation is used in giving a rational and orderly judgment
of the importance of each job to a firm.
•What is external equity?
It is the perceived fairness of compensational relative to what
other companies pay for similar work.
•What is employee contribution?
It is the job being held or performed by an
employee which shows his degree of
contribution to the company. A company
has to reward employees based on their
performance so that it can retain and
motivate high performers.
What are the factors that are to be considered in making a
compensation plan?
A firm’s environment influences the compensation system that
is to be used in a firm. The following factors may be considered:
1.A labor-intensive company may provide more incentives and
lesser base pay to reduce financial risk. A base pay requires a
fixed financial commitment.
2.A manufacturing firm producing standard commodity with the
same product over the years will not have to pay premium for
an innovative product.
3.A technology-based firm is to pay more for its research and
development personnel.
5.5 Discuss the importance
of employee relations
What is the importance of employee relations?
Employee relations generally deal with avoiding and
resolving issues concerning individuals which might
arise out of or influence the work scenario. Strong
employee relation depends upon healthy and safe
work environment, involvement and commintment
of all employees , incentives for employee
motivation, and effective communication system in
the organization.
Healthy employee relations lead to more
efficient, motivated and productive
employees which further lead to increase
in sales level. Good employee relation
signifies that employees should feel
positive about their identity, their job as
well as about being a part of such a great
What is employee indiscipline?
When the employees do not behave as per
accepted norms of behavior, it is known as
employee indiscipline. Absenteeism, change in
employee's behavior, slow performance and
grievances are all forms of employeeindiscipline.
Thus, when the employees fail to meet
management expectations in terms of standard
performance and behavior, it is referred to as
What is an employee grievance?
This is the failure on part of management to meet
employee expectations from management to
provide them a safe working environment, fair
treatment, proper incentives,participation in
decisions, and needs satisfaction.When the
employees fail to meet their own expectations
whether in terms of personal goals, career goals,
performance, self-respect, etc it is referred to as
employee stress.
What are instances that lead to employee stress?

Excessive workload, insufficient workload,

peer pressure, excessive/unreasonable
use of authority by the management, lack
of promotional opportunities, nature of
job all again lead to employee stress.
5.6 Differentiate various
employee movements
What are examples of reasons for
employee movement?
>movement within an organization
results from several factors.
Promotion, transfer, demotion, and
separation are major movements of
p e rs o n n e l i n a n o rga n i zat i o n .
>promotions serve as an incentive
for execellent perform ance of
personnel. It is important that
promotions are based on merit and
are not tainted with favoritism.
what are reason for employee
t r a n s f e r s ?
>transfers within an organization
also occur for a variety of reasons.
An organization can have
temporary or permanent transfer.
Production transfer

>In order to stabilize the

employment in the company and
avoidance of lay off, an employee
may be transfered from one
employee to another department.
Re p l a c e m e nt Tra n sfe r

>An employee with a long

service may be transfered in
s o m e o t h e r d e p a r t m e nt to
replace a person with a shorter
s e r v i c e .
Ve r s a t i l i t y Tr a n s f e r
>are made for the purpose of
preparing the employees for
production and replacement
t r a n s f e r
S h i f t T r a n s f e r
>In case of manufacturing concerns,
there are normally three shifts. In
ca s e s h i f t a s s i g n m e nt s a re n o t
r o t a t i n g , a n e m p l o y e e m ay b e
transfered from one shift to another
s h i f t .
Remedial transfers
>In case an employee does not
feel comfortable with his job,
he may be transfered to some
o t h e r j o b .
T r a n s f e r s :
>transfer may also
calssified as temporary
or permanent transfers.
When is discipline
a d m i n i s t e r e d ?
It is done when an employee
violates a company policy or
fails to meet work
e x p e c t a t i o n s .
What are steps in discipline
p r o c e s s ?
Warning, reprimand, suspension,
disciplinary transfer, demotion, or
discharge may be made to erring
e m p l o y e e s .
What is separation?
separatuon of employee
may also be a result of
closure of business or
reductive of personnel.
5.7 Adopt effective
rewards system
Employee reward systems refer to
programs set up by a company to
reward performance and motivate
employees on individual and/or group
levels. They are normally considered
separate from salar y but m ay be
monetary in nature or otherwise have
a cost to the company.
Many elements of designing and
maintaining reward and recognition
systems are the same, it is useful to
ke e p t h i s d i f fe r e n c e i n m i n d ,
especially for small business owners
interested in motivating staffs while
k e e p i n g c o s t s l o w.
What are examples of
reward programs?
Variable Pay
• Variable pay or pay-for-performance is a
compensation program in which a portion of a
person’s pay is considered “at risk”. Variable pay
can be tied to the performance of the company, the
results of a business unit, an individual’s
accomplishments, or any combination of these. It
can take many forms, including bonus programs,
stock options, and one-time awards for significant
Bonuses usually reward individual
accomplishment and are frequently used in sales
organizations to encourage salespersons to generate
additional business or higher profits.

Profit sharing refers to the strategy of creating a

pool of monies to be disbursed to employees by
taking a stated percentage of a company’s profits.
Employee stock-option programs
give employees the right to buy a
specified number of a company’s
shares at a fixed price for a
specified period of time (usually
around ten years).
Group-based reward systems are
based on a measurement of team
performance, with individual rewards
received on the basis of this
performance. A reward program which
recognizes individual achievements in
addition to team performance can
provide extra incentive for employees.
What are examples of
recognitiom programs?
Research shows that non-cash awards
programs would work better than cash
in such cases as reinforcing
organizational values and cultures,
improving teamwork, increasing
customer satisfaction and motivating
specific behaviors among other program.
Recognition has a timing element: it
must occur so that the performance
recognized is still fresh in the mind. If
high performance continues,
recognition should be frequent but
cautiously timed so that it doesn’t
become automatic.
Recognition can take a variety of forms.
Structured programs can include regular
recognition events such as banquets or breakfast,
employee of the month or year recognition, an
annual report or yearbook which features the
accomplishments of employees, and department
or company recognition boards. Informal or
spontaneous recognition can take the form of
priviledges such as working at home, starting
late/leaving early, or long lunch breaks.

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