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Write the answers to the following questions:

a. We had a brief _________, but it’s over now.
b. They'll ____________ you into prison without batting an eyelid 
c. Don't ____________ insults at your colleagues. It won't help.
a. I felt ____________ because they obviously wanted to be alone.
b. Don't ask _________________ questions.
c. He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and _____________. 
a. The UN has demanded that all troops _____________ withdrawn.
b. If he doesn't want to be involved, then so _____________ it.
c. I know that he has tried hard; ____________ that as it may, his work is just not good enough. 

a. Use sunscreen because the sun __________ our faces.
b. Your organisation's strength will greatly affect how well your company ______________ the storm.
c.First thing in the morning and in all __________ he goes for a swim.

a. We had to ___________ on the rope holding the anchor to get it on board.
b. She saw him ____________ a sigh of relief 
c. Just the thought of eating trotters makes me _____________. 

a. I just think he ought to get a _____________ on himself - he's behaving like a child. 
b. The country is currently in the ____________ of the worst recession in 20 years. 
c.  This is the first book I've read in ages that has managed to __________ me from start to finish

a. My bedroom looks like a _________ right now in between moving houses. 
b. In the US you do not __________ ushers unless they do something extravagant for you. 
c. Have you ever been to the lighthouse located in the northern ___________ of the island?

a. My children never want to ____________ me in on what they do in school. 
b. I was __________ stay at my friend's house for a whole weekend.
c. There isn't enough room for us, ______________ alone any guests.

a. Hers was a classic tale of ___________ to riches.
b. The beggar was dressed in ___________ 
c. I keep these __________ for cleaning the car.
a. A little luck wouldn't _________ amiss right now!
b. He's decided to leave the band and _________ it alone as a singer.
c. I hope the conference will __________ off without a hitch.

a. I'd rather have eaten a ________ doughnut than a chocolate one. It was too sickly sweet.
b.  _________ is used by the media to describe people who do not have much money to live on.
c. There's a paper ______________ in the photocopier.

a.  I _________ great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.
b. I must __________ issue with you on the question of footballers’ pay. 
c. I think you’ll get the job — they seemed to _________ quite a shine to you. 

a. She is held in very _________ regard by her colleagues.
b. We had __________ hopes for the business.
c. This issue has had a ________ profile in recent months.

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