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The capitalist system in The Big Money and Death of a Salesman

Illusion and reality in A Streetcar Named Desire and The Great Gatsby

Treatment of Death in The Snows of Kilimanjaro and As I Lay Dying

Loneliness in Of Mice and Men and A Streetcar Named Desire

Women in The Great Gatsby and As I lay Dying

The relationship between Tom and Daisy and Harry and Helen and Anse and Addie

Violence in A Streetcar Named Desire and The Snows of Kilimanjaro

The role of the mother in Death of a Salesman and As I lay Dying

The death of Willy Loman and Harry

The treatment of women in Death of a Salesman and Of Mice and Men

The world of appearance in Death of a Salesman and The Great Gatsby

The role of the father in Death of a Salesman and As I lay Dying

Blanche and Daisy’s tragedies

The relationship between Gatsby and Daisy and Blanche and Mitch

Blanche and Darl’s madness

The Loman brothers and The Burden brothers

Vision of working-class people in The Big Money and Of Mice and Men

Animal Imagery in Of Mice and Men and The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Selfishness in Anse and Harry

The writer and his work and the salesman and his sales

The American Dream in Blanche and Lennie

The death of the American dream

Male environment in Of Mice and Men and Street Car Named Desire

Temas de ensayo examen 2019

Women in The Great Gatsby

The American dream in Death of a Salesman and Of Mice and Men

War and violence in Snows of Kilimanjaro

Illusion and reality in Streetcar named Desire

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