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A Gentle Morning of Pumpkin Muffins

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M, Other
Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Character: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Drabble, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, Fluff, They/Them Pronouns for
Aziraphale (Good Omens), Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Baking
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-02-18 Words: 306

A Gentle Morning of Pumpkin Muffins

by thewizofoz


Soft domestic fluff rambling of Crowley and Aziraphael spending a quiet dawn together as
Aziraphael indulges in their morning baking habit.


See the end of the work for notes

Crowley walked out of the bedroom, following his nose. Aziraphael didn't have work that day, and
the pair had made plans the night before to have no plans all day past enjoying each other's
company in the flat. Aziraphael seemed to have woken up a bit before their lover, and when
Crowley got to the kitchen he was met with Aziraphael making a second batch of pumpkin
muffins. He smiled, moving over and making just enough noise so as to not startle Aziraphael and
wrapping his arms around their waist as he greeted them. Still sleepy, he yawned out a "Good
morning..." and nestled into their back, closing his eyes again once he got comfortable. Once the
oven beeped, Aziraphael tried to shift but Crowley held them tight and gave a little sleepy "Mm-
mm. No."

Aziraphael chuckled and turned their head to kiss his forehead. "Darling, I really must take the
muffins out of the oven, I'll be back in literally five seconds." Crowley grumbled, eyebrows
scrunched and eyes still closed, but conceded and loosened his arms enough to maintain his dignity
but allow Aziraphael to weasel out of his grasp with relative ease. After they pulled the muffin tin
out and put it on the stove, they dropped the potholders on the counter and turned back around. "As
promised," they said with their arms out, smiling as Crowley grinned and hugged them again with
his face in the crook of their shoulder. "Good morning to you, love."

Crowley lifted his head with a progressively more conscious smile and kissed Aziraphael's cheek,
making them laugh as he just pecked them over and over until he made his way to their lips and
they shared a soft morning kiss, the weak autumn morning sun filtering through the kitchen and
making the little room feel cozy and safe.

End Notes

This was originally a daydream I had of my partner, but we remind me of the ineffable lads
and it made me feel warm and soft. Thus, this little drabble (and the they/them pronouns for
Aziraphael). Thank you for reading, share a thought in the comments or just say hello if
you'd like. :)

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