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He also enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and filled his leisure time by enrolling in the Royal

Academy of Fine Arts, where he studied painting and sculpture and at the same time took private lessons in English,

French, and German.

Rizal finished his medical degree course enabling him to practice his new profession.

outstanding works

it was in madrid where he wrote his first article on his favorite subject "love for the country", an article that he sent

to manila and that was published in the "diaryong tagalog" also in madrid it was when he began to write his

immortal novel "noli me tangere " (The summary of this novel is in the third part of the book) then he left for Paris,

where he finished a fourth part of his novel.

Later he went to Germany and there he rubbed elbows with famous polyglots, members of society.

He studied law at the famous University of Heidelberg and in her honor wrote his famous ode "To the Virgin Mary"

and a hymn praising and honoring the work. (fragments of these works are found in the third part of the book)

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