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Potential Outcomes

Kosuke Imai

Harvard University


Fall 2019

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Defining Causal Effects
Units: i = 1, . . . , n
Treatment: Ti = 1 if treated, Ti = 0 otherwise
Observed outcomes: Yi
Pre-treatment covariates: Xi
Potential outcomes: Yi (1) and Yi (0) where Yi = Yi (Ti )
Voters Contact Turnout Age Gender
i Ti Yi (1) Yi (0) Xi1 Xi2
1 1 1 ? 20 M
2 0 ? 0 55 F
3 0 ? 1 40 F
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . .
n 1 0 ? 62 M
Causal effect for unit i:

τi = Yi (1) − Yi (0)
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Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

Any causal quantity is a function of potential outcomes:

Yi (1) Yi (1) − Yi (0)

log Yi (1) − log Yi (0), , × 100, etc.
Yi (0) Yi (0)

Causal inference as a missing data problem:

potential outcomes are thought to be fixed for each unit
potential outcomes as “attributes”
potential outcomes do have a distribution across units
treatment variable determines which potential outcome is observed
observed outcomes are random because the treatment is random

Non-binary treatment:
categorical: Yi (0), Yi (1), . . . , Yi (K − 1)
continuous: Yi (t) for any t ∈ R
Only one potential outcome is observed for each unit

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The Key Assumptions

The notation implies three assumptions:

1 Causal ordering: Yi cannot causally affect Ti
2 No interference between units:

Yi (T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn ) = Yi (Ti )

3 Same version of the treatment

Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption (SUTVA)
Potential violations:
1 simultaneity (feedback effects) need more frequent observations
2 treatments of other units affecting one’s outcome
spillover effects: Yi (Ti = t, T−i = t) − Yi (Ti = t, T−i = t0 )
direct effects: Yi (Ti = 1, T−i = t) − Yi (Ti = 0, T−i = t)
3 multiple versions of treatment
redefine as separate treatments
assume treatment-then-version sequence

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Causal Effects of Immutable Characteristics

“No causation without manipulation” (Holland, 1986. J. Amer. Stat. Assoc)

Immutable characteristics or attributes: gender, race, age, etc.
Can immutable characteristics have meaningful causal effects?
1 Causal effects of perceived characteristics:
Causal effect of a job applicant’s gender/race on call-back rates
(Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004. Am. Econ. Rev)
2 Reinterpretation:
Causal effect of having a female politician on policy outcomes
(Chattopadhyay and Duflo, 2004. Q. J. Econ)
3 Redefinition:
Race as a “bundle of sticks”: skin color, genes, neighborhood, socio
economic status, etc. (Sen and Wasow, 2016. Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci)
4 Group-level inference:
Would racial disparity go away if we equalize socio-economic status
of blacks and whites? (VanderWeele and Robinson, 2014. Epidemiology)

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Average Treatment Effects
Unit causal effects are difficult to estimate
We can average them over a sample of units
1 sample average treatment effect:
SATE = {Yi (1) − Yi (0)}

2 sample average treatment effect for the treated

n n
1 X X
SATT = Ti {Yi (1) − Yi (0)} where n1 = Ti
i=1 i=1

Population average treatment effects:

PATE = E(Yi (1) − Yi (0))

PATT = E(Yi (1) − Yi (0) | Ti = 1)

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Other Causal Quantities of Interest

Heterogenous effects:
Conditional average treatment effect (CATE)

τ (x) = E(Yi (1) − Yi (0) | Xi = x)

Applications to precision medicine and micro targeting

Non-additive effects:
Quantile treatment effects

QY (1) (α) − QY (0) (α) where QY (t) (α) = inf{y ∈ R : α ≤ FY (t) (y )}

This is different from QY (1)−Y (0) (α)

Odds ratio
Pr(Yi (1) = 1)/ Pr(Yi (1) = 0)
Pr(Yi (0) = 1)/ Pr(Yi (0) = 0)

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Truncation by Death
1 Units: patients
2 Treatment: new medicine
3 Outcome: cholesterol level
4 Truncation: patient death

Truncation by death problem (Zhang and Rubin, 2003. J. Educ. Behav. Stat.):
cholesterol level (test score) undefined for the dead
survivors in the treament group are not comparable to those in the
control group
Post-treatment bias: treatment may affect survival

In general, one should not adjust for post-treatment variables

Other examples:
drop-out in program evaluation
utilization when evaluating customer satisfaction
registration, turnout, and vote choice in get-out-the-vote studies

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Principal Stratification (Frangakis and Rubin, 2002. Biometrics)

Potential truncation variable: Wi (1), Wi (0)

Observed truncation variable: Wi = Wi (Ti )
Potential outcomes: Yi (t, w) Yi (0, 1) and Yi (1, 1) do not exist
Observed outcome: Yi = Yi (Ti , Wi (Ti )) for Wi = 0

Four principal strata defined by (Wi (0), Wi (1))

Wi = 1 Wi = 0

Ti = 1 (0,1) and (1,1) (0,0) and (1,0)

Ti = 0 (1,0) and (1,1) (0,0) and (0,1)

ATE for “always-survivors”: E(Y (1) − Y (0) | W (1) = W (0) = 0)

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Necessary and Sufficient Causes

Effects of causes ! Causes of effects

Prospective causal effects ! Retrospective causal effects
Latter is more difficult than former

Notion of necessary and sufficient causes

Example (Geddes, 1990, Political Anal): Is village autonomy necessary
and sufficient for revolution?

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Probabilistic Causal Necessity and Sufficiency
(Pearl, 2000. Causality, Cambridge UP)

Probability of causal necessity: village autonomy must be present

in order for revolution to occur

PN = Pr(Yi (0) = 0 | Ti = 1, Yi = 1)

Probability of causal sufficiency: the presence of village autonomy

gurantees the occurance of revolution

PS = Pr(Yi (1) = 1 | Ti = 0, Yi = 0)

Probability of causal necessity and sufficiency

PNS = Pr(Yi (1) = 1, Yi (0) = 0)


PNS = Pr(Yi = 1, Ti = 1) × PN + Pr(Yi = 0, Ti = 0) × PS

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Experimental and Observational Studies

Two types of studies:

1 Randomized experiments: randomized & controlled intervension
Laboratory experiments
Survey experiments
Field experiments
2 Observational studies: no intervension

Tradeoff between internal and external validity

Confounding: endogeneity, omitted variables, selection bias
Generalizability: sample selection, Hawthorne effects, realism

“Designing” observational studies

Natural experiments haphazard treatment assignment
Examples: birthdays, weather, close elections, arbitrary
administrative rules, etc.
Generalizing experimental results possible extrapolation

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Causal effects function of potential outcomes

Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption
feedback effects, spillover effects, multiple versions of treatment
Fundamental problem of causal inference: only one potential
outcome is observed
Causal inference as a missing data problem

Examples of potential outcomes:

principal stratification
necessary and sufficient causes

1 I MBENS AND RUBIN, Chapter 1
Am. Stat. Assoc

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