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Analysis of covariance

In many experiments for each experimental unit we have observation on one more
supplementary variable in addition to the response variable. They are usually concomitant
observations or concomitant variables. If the concomitant variables are unrelated to the
treatments and influence the response variable, the variation in response variable caused by them
should be eliminated before comparing the treatments. For example, in animal feeding
experiments designed to compare the effect of different diets on growth, the initial weight of
animal is expected to affect the increase in weight recorded at the end of the experimental period
and therefore comparison of diets should be made after the variation in weight increase resulting
from the difference in initial weights of animal has been eliminated.

The technique of analysis used to eliminate the variation resulting from the influence of
concomitant variable on the response variable is called Analysis of covariance. It is an adaptation
of methods of regression analysis to experimental designs and consists essentially of fitting a
regression of response variable on the concomitant variables. The response variables are then
‘adjusted’ by regression and comparison of treatments are carried out by using the adjusted
response variables. At the same time, variation due to non-uniformity of the experimental
material is eliminated by the use of suitable design.

Assumptions of Analysis of covariance

1. The relationship between covariate X and response variable Y is linear.
2. The relationship is same for each treatment.
3. The covariates are not affected by treatments.
4. The observations are from a normal population.

Analysis of covariance for CRD

For the CRD with t treatments, r i replication for ith treatment,i=1,2,3,…..t where =n , the
model is

where yij is the jth observation on the response variable taken under ith treatment,

- is the general effect, ti- ith treatment effect, is linear regression coefficient indicating the
dependency of yij on xij , xij is the observation on the concomitant variable corresponding to y ij,
-is the mean of the xij values and eij is the random error component which is independently and

normally distributed with mean zero variance .

The data arrangement is as given below
1 2 …. t
y x y x y x
y11 x11 y21 x21 yt1 xt1
y12 x12 y22 x22 yt2 xt2
. Grand Total
Total Ty1 Tx1 Ty2 Tx2 Tyt Txt GTy GTx

The first step in the analysis of covariance is to compute the sum of squares for the variable (Y)
and the covariate (X) as well as the sum of products for Y and X. The sums of squares for both Y
and X are computed in the usual manner for a CRD. The sum of products (SP) of Y and X is
computed as follows:

Total SP,

Treatment SP = Tyx =

Error SP Eyx = Gyx-Tyx

Analysis on Y :




Analysis on X : CFx=



Exx = SSEx= TSSx-SSTx=Gxx-Txx

The next step is to verify whether covariate is affected by treatments. If X is not affected by
treatments there should not be significant difference between treatments with reference to X.

Then the regression coefficient within treatments is computed as . The significance of

is tested using the F-test. The test statistic F is given by


The F follows a F distribution with 1 and (n-t-1) degrees of freedom. If the regression coefficient
is significant we proceed to make adjustments for the variate. If it is not significant, it is not
worth while to make the adjustments.

The adjusted values for the variable Y are then computed as follows:

One degree of freedom is lost in error due to fitting regression line.

Analysis of covariance table is given below:

Adjusted values for y F-ratio

Source df Sum of
Products df Sum of Mean sum of
YY XX XY squares squares
Total n-1 Gyy Gxx Gyx n-2 G1yy

Treatment t-1 Tyy Txx Tyx t-1 T1yy

Error n-t Eyy Exx Eyx n-t-1 E1yy

If F is not significant for treatments, we can conclude that the treatment effect do not differ
significantly. If F is significant, we calculate CD= t x SE(d) where t denote the table value of t
for a specified level of significance and error degrees of freedom.

Then the adjusted treatment means are obtained from the formula
and the standard error for the difference between two adjusted means is given by SE(d)=

When the number of replications is same for all treatments and when averaged over all values of

SE(d) = .

Two treatments are significantly different if the difference between adjusted treatment means is
greater than the calculated CD value, other wise they are not significantly different.

Assignment: Analysis of covariance for RBD and LSD

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