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1. Definition of interest:

Interest is generally described as attraction or preference (Valsiner, 1992).

However, in psychology, interest refers to both the psychological state of engagement and the
relatively enduring predisposition to return to engagement with particular content (e.g.,
mathematics, music, tennis) (Hidi and Renninger, 2006).

Interest has various meanings with relation to everyday experience inside the field of psychology.
The various terms include; topic interest, situational interest, individual interest.


 Interest is content or object specific, meaning that interest is directed toward a particular
activity, field of study, or goal.
 interest involves a relationship between learners and their environment
 interest is composed of affective and cognitive components, namely affect or feelings, value, and
 learners may be unreflective and unaware of their interest while they engage.
 interest has a physiological/neurological basis.

2. Relationship between Interest and Personality

3. Relationship between Interest and Aptitude
4. Role of interest in career decision making
5. Jhon Holland’s Theory of vocational types
6. Methods of measuring interests (Interest scales)
7. Methods of measuring interests (General techniques)
8. Limitations of interest tests
9. Tool description
A. About the author
B. Development of the tool
C. General
D. Variables
10. Psychometric properties
A. Standardisation sample
B. Reliability
C. Validity
D. Scoring
E. Interpretation
F. Application

INTERVIEW REPORT: (copy from paper)

TABLE DISCUSSION 1: Represents the individual interest pattern of the teste such that the raw score,
the corresponding stent score in each area obtained by the teste are shown


Renninger, K. Ann (2015). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ||
Interest, Psychology of. , (), 378–385.

Hidi, S., Renninger, K.A., 2006. The Four-Phase Model of Interest Development. Educational
Psychologist 41 (2), 111–127.

Valsiner, J., 1992. Interest: a metatheoretical perspective. In: Renninger, K.A., Hidi, S., Krapp, A.
(Eds.), The Role of Interest in Learning and Development. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, pp. 27–42.


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