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( PPT)

According to Eaton (2012), language or speech register

is the level of formality or informality with which people converse with one
another. The choice of language register depends on communication situations
and people involved.

Explanation: It simply means that the language register that we used is depends on a situation or on a
people who we are talking.

There are two language register that we can use

First is formal Register
The formal register is more appropriate for professional writing and letters to a boss or a
Explanation: We can use formal register if we are talking to our boss, used academic and talking to
stranger. For example, if we are talking to CEO of a company, we cannot tell him or her like the way
we are talking to our friends and family. Instead of calling him dude just like what we say on our
friend, we should call him boss or sir to have a formality and giving respect. In professional writing
the grammar and the words that we used is concise and appropriate

The formal register is commonly used
-Rhetorical statements and question
-pronouncement made by judges
- announcement


Rules of the formal language register:

1. Do not use contractions

Contraction is not usually used in formal writing, even though they are very common in
spoken English.

For example

Instead of using Can’t in a sentence. We should use cannot

2. Spell out numbers less than one hundred

3. Write in third person point of view

In formal writing, we usually do not use first person or second person unless it is a quote.

Avoid using:

 I
 You
 We
 Us

4. Avoid using too much passive voice

In formal writing it is better to use an active voice.

5. Avoid using slang, idioms, exaggeration (hyperboles) and clichés

6. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

Using abbreviation and acronyms will confuse our reader and listener on what we say or write.
However, we can use acronyms, by writing the entire name first and follow the acronym itself

For example

 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

7. Do not start sentences with words like and, so, but, also

In formal register we should start the sentence with those words. Otherwise, we can used this

 Nevertheless
 Additionally
 However
 In addition
 As a result of
 Although


The informal register (also called casual or intimate) is conversational and appropriate when
writing to friends and people you know very well.

We can use informal register if we are talking to friend, people we know very well and family. In
talking to them there are no social barriers, we can use slangs and informal language and more
comfortable because there is no rules or restriction we followed in communicating to them

The informal register is commonly used

Chat in buddies
Email or letter to friends

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