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1. What is the traditional music in Japan?

A. Sakura B. Mo Li Hua C. Arirang D. None of the above

2. What is the traditional music in China?

A. Sakura B. Mo Li Hua C. Arirang D. None of the above

3. Lance heard a song that is high in pitch and nasal, what country is it from?

A. China B. Japan C. Korea D. Thailand

4. Brian heard a song that is meditative, what country is it from?

A. China B. Japan C. Korea D. Thailand

5. What flower represents the song Mo Li Hua?

A. Cherry Blossoms B. Jasmine C. Lily D. Lavender

6. Jhas needs to made an instrument but she only has a bunch of string and a box, What type of
instrument can she made with it?

A. String Instrument B. Percussion Instrument C. Woodwind Instrument D. None of the above

7. Japan=Odaiko China=Yunluo Korea=?

A. Changgo B. Pengling C. Tzusumi D. Tsuridaiko

8. It is an hourglass-shape instrument

A. Tzusumi B. Taiko C. Tsuridaiko D. Odaiko

9. Which one is not in the group?

A. Changgo B. Geomungo C. Dizi D. Piri

10. It is a traditional Korean Six String plucked zither with bridges and feets

A. Geomungo B. Kayagum C. Piri D. Haegum


1. Flowers and Birds is a painting subject in what East Asian Country?

A. China B. Japan C. Korea D. Thailand

2. It is the art of beautiful handwriting

A. Calligraphy B. Logograph C. Jiaguwen D. Cangjie

3. It us a technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia

A. Calligraphy B. Woodblock Printing C. Logograph D. Ukiyo-E

4. Originally called "the false mask"

A. Peking Opera Face Painting B. Kabuki Makeup C. Shamanistic Rites D. None of the above

5. Guan Ju (Red) means what?

A. Devotion B. Ambition C. Violent D. Cool-Headedness

6. Purple represents what personality?

A. Youth B. Calm C. Nobility D. Passion

7. Why Japan, China, and Korea has Sweepinf Roofs?

A. To save money

B. To protect from the elements of water wind and fire

C. To love the East Asian Culture

D. None of the above

8. Ori means folding and kami means _______

A. Paper B. Scissor C. Silk D. Paint

9. Origami Butterflies celebrates in what occasion?

A. Wedding B. Birthday C. Funerals D. None of the above

10. Yuan Bao is done at what Festival?

A. Ghost Festival B. Fireworks Festival C. Spring Festival D. Anime Festival


1. Volleyball was introduced by...

A. James Naismith B. William G. Morgan C. None of the above

2. Court measurement must be...

A. 18x9 B. 20x9 C. 16x9 D. 19x9

3. To serve the ball, the player should toss the ball above the head and hit it by extending the arm.

A. Underhand Service B. Overhand Service C. Sidearm Service D. Digging

4. It ia an act of slamming the ball in downward motion across the net to the opponents court

A. Spiking B. Setting C. Blocking D. Digging

5. It is a defensive maneuver that the player save the team from the attack or spike of the offensive

A. Spiking B. Setting C. Blocking D. Digging

6. To serve, the player shoukd drawn the right arm from the back and then swing it forward to hit the

A. Underhand Service B. Overhand Service C. Sidearm Service D. Digging

7. The most important skill in playing volleyball. (Only one answer)

A. Spiking B. Setting C. Passing D. Blocking

8. The year volleyball was introduced...

A. 1895 B. 1891 C. 1893 D. 1898

9. The place where volleyball originated...

A. Massachusetts B. Hollywood C. California D. North Carolina

10. 2.43M for Men but what for Women?

A. 2.24 B. 2.25 C. 2.26 D. 2.27


1. It is a social activity that involves two or more people generally assessing each other's suitability for a
potential relationship

A. Courtship B. Dating C. Marriage D. Engagent

2. A private or an informal matter between two people, or a formal arrangement with family approval
A. Courtship B. Dating C. Engagement D. Marriage

3. It is an agreement entered between two people in love.

A. Engagement B. Dating C. Courtship D. Marriage

4. What phase of trimester of pregnancy occurs in week 28 to birth

A. First trimester B. Second trimester C. Third Trimester D. Fourth Trimester

5. List of activities that a pregnant should do. Which one is Not an activity that a pregnant should not do

A. Drinking Milk B. Regular Light Exercise or Yoga C. Eating Fruits and Vegetables D. Eating salty food

6. What republic act that protects and promotes the right to health of the people

A. Rep. Act No. 9278 B. Rep. Act No.9289 C. Rep. Act No. 9288 D. None of the above

7. What is the long abbreviation of CH

A. Congenital Hypothyroidism B. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia C. Galactosemia D. Phenylketonuria

8. How many months old does baby need breastmilk?

A. 0-1 months B. 0-3 months C. 0-6 months D. 0-8 months

9. Families that are made when two families combine

A. Adoptive B. Blended C. Nuclear D. Extended

10. Towards ________ is "cares for children"

A. Self B. Spouse C. Children D. Parents

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