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Labour Law 2006

1. Define ‘Lay Off’ , ‘Wages’ 10

Ans: Labour Law 2006 Sec 2(58) page-27 , sec 2(45) page-25
2. a) Describe the procedure of punishment according to Labour Law 2006. 10
Ans: Labour Law 2006 Sec 24 page-42
a) Describe the procedure of complain according to Labour Law 2006.
Ans: Labour Law 2006 Sec 33 page-47 10
3. Classification of labour and define Labour. Ans: sec 2(65),4 page-28,30 7
4. Labour court establishment and consist of. Ans: sec 214, page-146 10
5. Trade Union registration Procedure. Ans: sec 179, page-121 10
6. Workmen’s compensation for injury by accident; Employer’s Liability for compensation 10
Ans: sec 150, page-101

Boiler Act 1923

1. Write down shortly according to the Boiler Act 1923
a) Penalties for illegal use of boiler. Boiler Act 1923 sec-23, page-184
b) Prohibition of use of unregistered or uncertified boiler. Boiler Act 1923 sec-6, page-175 20
c) Duty of Owner at examination of boiler Boiler Act 1923 sec-14, page-181
d) Penalties for tempering with register mark Boiler Act 1923 sec-25, page-185
2. Registration of Boiler. Boiler Act 1923 sec-7, page-176 14
3. Renewal Process of Boiler. Boiler Act 1923 sec-8(4,5), page-177 6

Land Acquisition Act 1894

1. a) Describe the procedure of Land acquisition as enunciated in Land Acquisition Act 1894. 10
b) Describe acquisition of part of house or building under Land Acquisition Act 1894.
Land Acquisition Act 1894 Sec 49, page-48 (Book) 10
2. Describe The special power in case of urgency according to Land Acquisition Act 1894. 20
Ans: Land Acquisition Act 1894 sec 17, page-31 (Book)
3. Define ‘Land’. Ans: sec 3(A), page-23 7
4. Matters to be considered in determining compensation. Ans: sec 23, page-35 (Book) 10

The Arbitration Act 1940

1. a) Describe the application to file in court arbitration agreement with reference to The 10
Arbitration Act 1940. Ans: The Arbitration Act 1940 sec 18/20 (soft/Book)
b) Define effect of legal proceedings on arbitration and power of arbitration.
Ans: The Arbitration Act 1940 sec 33/35 (soft/Book) 10
2. Appointment of arbitrator. Ans: The Arbitration Act 1940 sec 20/22 (soft/Book) 6
3. Powers of arbitrator. Ans: The Arbitration Act 1940 sec 11/13 (soft/Book) 14
Electricity Act 1910
1. Penalty for illegal transmission or use of energy. Ans: sec 43, page-26 7
2. Explain discontinue of suppy to consumer neglecting to pay charge. Ans: sec 24, page-16 10
3. Penalty for installation of artificial means. Ans: sec 39(A), page-24 10
4. Penalty for dishonest abstraction, etc of energy. Ans: sec 39, page-24 10
5 Penalty for theft of line materials tower members equipments etc. Ans: sec 40(A), page-25 10
6. Electricity licensing Board. Ans: sec 35, page-22 10
7. Penalty for unauthorized supply of energy by non-licensees. Ans: sec 41, page-25 6

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