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Galacticus 01, 20XX

Dear Mr. Sol,

We have successfully completed the cleaning of крушение. General Rain and I

oversaw everything, but we did not find any of the relics we were looking for.
I would appreciate it if you could transfer this information to Dr. Mercury so
he can guide us in the right direction. Rain was very confident in our chances
of finding any remainder of parasites, even dead, but there weren’t even signs
of them previously living there.

We are heading back to домой as soon as possible. However, this letter will
arrive home three days before we do, so I hope that Dr. Mercury can begin his
work before our arrival.

Please do not tell any of my three little ones this information. I plan to say
I was gone for longer so I can work with Rain and Mercury for a few days more.
Rain will be taking care of them in my absence because, should I reveal that I
am home, they will not let me leave for at least a week.

My final note is to ask that you have decontamination prepared for me and my
crew. Though I’m not worried about parasites for obvious reasons, I do not
trust that the atmosphere of крушение contains only passive contaminants that
will not harm домой’s environment.


General Marz

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