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Loftus, Paul (L&DR-LON)

From : David Kelly
Sent: 24 March 2003 09 .14
Subject : RE. attn dr david kelly-ABC TV australia science documentary

Good to hear that you have returned safely I am available today (Monday 24th) but will be in London for
the three days after that and unavailable Friday 28th would seem possible but time will tell


David Kelly

-----Original Message-----
From : [mailto
Sent:. March 003 03:15
Subjec : e : attn dr david elly - ABC TV australia science documentary

hi dr kelly
we arrived home safely, thanks as i mentioned, we would like to arrange a time this week to
interview you by phone, this week if possible it would be a conference call with you, the
producer susan lambert and myself,
given the time difference, mornings your time would be preferable we anticipate it could take
up to an hour
with your permission, we would like to tape this interview this is for research purposes only
and it will not be broadcast or disseminated in any way.
i look forward to hearing from you
re ar

28/08/2003 -
CCD ~ I (~ 1° 1 -S S

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