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Laura by Saki (H.H.

In Laura by Saki we have the theme of freedom, reincarnation, conformity, acceptance, revenge, mortality and
connection. Taken from his The Complete Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an
unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Saki may be exploring the theme of
freedom. Laura is a naturally free spirit something that is noticeable by the fact that she likes to make her own
rules about how she should live her life. However one noticeable constant in Laura’s life is the fact that she likes
to seek revenge on those who have injured her personally. Something that is noticeable when it comes to
Egbert. She will not allow him to get the better of her. Which may be important as there is a sense that Laura is
challenging the status quo that may have existed at the time the story was written between men and women. To
Laura her actions are games to irritate Egbert but to Egbert they are a little more personal and malicious.
Though it is very much left to the reader to decide upon which character they support. Many might side with
Egbert and as such may be supporting conformity while others who side with Laura may forgive her for her
actions and realise that she is indeed a free spirit.

There is also no mistaking that Laura is dying and that she appears to accept the fact that she is dying. Her only
concern is as to what type of animal she will be reincarnated into. Her preference is to become an otter and after
she has been killed to become a Nubian boy. Two things that in Amanda’s eyes come true and as such Amanda
does try and save the otter from being killed. If it is a case that Laura has been reincarnated as an otter. The
havoc she wreaks may be justifiable in her eyes for how Egbert may have treated her throughout their
engagement. Regardless of this Amanda is protective of the otter and the reader is left assuming that she will
also be protective on the Nubian boy. For Amanda it is just too coincidental what is happening. Everything that
Laura said she would do has come to fruition. Something that in reality unnerves Amanda to a point in whereby
she feels physically ill. Though at the same time feels a strong allegiance to her friend rather than to Egbert.

How Egbert feels about Laura is also noticeable by his actions after Laura’s death. At times he is more
preoccupied with the family of speckled Sussex than he is with Laura’s departure. For Egbert things must carry
on as normal. Something that may leave some readers to suspect that Egbert may be a cold and selfish man.
His main priority is not to grieve Laura but to kill the otter (which Amanda assumes is Laura). All of this becomes
too much for Amanda and she has to leave England and take some rest in Cairo. Something that is
understandable considering how strongly Amanda feels about what is happening. For her own sanity Amanda
also knows that she cannot confront Egbert and tell him that the otter is in fact Amanda. It would just sound
ludicrous to Egbert and possibly to others. If anything the close connection that Amanda and Laura had while
Laura was alive remains intact. There is no way of Amanda letting the relationship go due to the conversations
that she has had with Laura. Though some critics might scorn the idea of reincarnation the point that Saki may
be attempting to make is that Amanda due to close friendship with Laura cannot let go of Laura’s words.

The end of the story is also interesting as Amanda is in total shock (seriously ill) and considering that she
believes that the Nubian boy is the second reincarnation of Laura. It is as though everything Laura has said to
Amanda has come true. At least in Amanda’s eyes and Laura remains true to character and seeks to annoy
Egbert. Something which may leave many readers to suggest that there is indeed a life after one dies. That
reincarnation is a possibility. Though some critics may dispute this. However what has occurred is very real to
Amanda. Any beliefs she may have had to the contrary when it came to the matter of reincarnation are sure to
have been replaced with a strong belief that one can relive their life in a different form. Be it as an animal or as
the opposite sex. Which may be the point that Saki is attempting to make. He may be suggesting that an
individual should never give up on life and any form it may take. Just as Laura has not given up on bringing
havoc into Egbert’s life.

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