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INS Assignment Three

1. The Midnight Library book takes place in the present and is set in Bedford,
England. Nora had used to live in London but now lives in England, which she
hates. This statement is true because Nora says she scrolled through social media
in the book which shows that phones existed, making it the present. I also know
she lives in Bedford because she talks about how much she hated moving there
and would much rather be still living in London. This book also takes place in a
place between life and death which is called the midnight library. She gets to this
place by killing herself after too many tragic events occur in her life.

2. The main character in this book is a 35 year old woman named Nora Seed.
She is described to have short hair with bangs. She is like a shy person and she
lives with alot of regret. Her life used to be pretty stable but her life quickly went
downhill really badly. She has experienced quite the worst thing a human can
experience like having both of her parents die too young. She used to have a cat
named Voltaire but the cat was run over by a car. She also had a job in a music
store before she got fired for being late, this was caused by her cat dying. She also
used to tutor a kid piano before she forgot to go teach him, also because of her cat
dying. She used to be in a band called the Labyrinths but she quit which really
frustrated her brother. She also got so close to marrying a guy named Dan but she
cut off the wedding at the last minute because she was scared and that basically cut
the ties between the two. She had alot of big dreams but all those dreams had
failed to become true and she is suicidal. She wanted to be so many things like an
olympic swimmer or a glaciologist or even the lead singer of the labyrinths. She
was also going to settle down with Dan and live in a pub in the countryside. My
impression of her is a shy, depressed girl who has been through alot and is sad
about how her life has ended up.

5. An important part of the story is when Nora ends up committing suicide.

The reasoning for her death is basically that she ends up losing all purpose in her
life and decides she isn’t needed in this world and wants to die. This is significant
to the story because she thinks she will just die and she ends up in a library that’s
between life and death. She enters this library to find infinite bookshelves and later
finds out her old librarian who she was very close with runs the place. This
librarian used to play chess with her and was even the one who told Nora that her
father had passed away. The bookshelves are all books that show how her life
could’ve been, except for one. The one book I’m talking about is called the Book
of Regrets. This book shows every single regret ever in your life. When Nora was
reading this book, her pain from before she killed herself, but it came back much
stronger. The librarian had to tell her to close the book because it was too much for
her to handle. When Nora was talking to the Librainian about if she was dead yet,
she replied by telling her she is in between life and death. Nora then asks if she
can just go outside to death. The Librarian then responds by telling her she can’t
go to death instead, death comes to you. After reading the book of regrets she goes
to open the books that show her how her life could’ve been. But these books don’t
just show you by words on a page, they actually transport you into the reality
where you get to experience all of it for yourself. For example Nora is transported
to the reality where she lives in the pub with Dan.

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