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Gideon Kem B. Ubalde

Subject Teacher
a short document written
by a researcher before
starting their research
project, with the purpose of
explaining what the study is
about, why it is important
and the methods that will be
(Lango, 2020)
The concept paper aim is
to capture the thoughts
and ideas while the
research proposal
captures the ideas in a
structured manner for
approval to research.
(Lango, 2020)
1. Concept paper title
2. Introduction (it contains the
overview of the proposed study)
3. Need for this Study
4. Background (previous study has
been already conducted, however, a
gap still exists)
5. Objectives – (Rationale)
6. Research Questions
and/or Hypothesis (SOP)
7. Research Methodology
8. Research Timeline
9. Reference

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