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First name: Wren

Last name: Fox

Nicknames (if any): Nope
Age: the big 40
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Coming out story (if any): Womf + Man makes a good threesome
Height: 6’1”
Birthday: 26th September
Zodiac sign: Libra
Hair colour: Blonde/Gold
Hair length: Medium
Eye colour: Gold
Piercings: nose stud, ears firsts, seconds, helix AKA lots of them
Tattoos: Sorcerers marking on her right shoulder
Parents: idk, she was found in a bin
Siblings: nah
Nationality: Tiefling, hell, idk
Fluent in: Common, Infernal
Glasses/contacts: Nope
Marks/scars: Scar through her left eyebrow cause of #pirate fights B)
Allergies: Not to her knowledge
Current love interest/lover: No one in particular, but she’s up for sex pretty much anytime
Strengths: FIRE
Weaknesses: FIRE
Special abilities: FIRE
Mental disorders: FIRE /j
Disabilities: Nope
Tolerances: …Fire (Hellish Resistance)
Drink: Absolutely
Any changes in their childhood: discovering her magic
Similarities to child-self: Kinda carefree
Would their child self be pleased with where they are now: Sure! Wouldn’t be against it
Hobbies: Burning boats
Favourite colour: Orangey red ofc
Favourite animal: Birds
Favourite mythological creature: None
Favourite food: Hot Cheetos
Favourite feature: Her eyes
Favourite music genre: Hardcore rock
Are they fashionable: mmm, not yes but not no
Pet peeves: People taking the piss out of her
Leader, follow or bystander: Leader vibes
Planner or spontaneous: Spontaneous
Organised or messy: Messy
Often lose important items: Neutral
Insecurities: None really
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Fears: Being lost, being forgotten
Job status: Mercenary/assassin
Do they like their job: Absolutely
Living situation: Slums 4 life
Mode of transport: Walking, little dinghy
Odd talents: Fire?
What’s their handwriting like: Scribbly at an attempt of cursive
Lazy or active: Can be both, depends on mood, mostly active though
Do they like dancing: YES
How do they sleep: Soundly
Easily irritated: Yes, definitely
What do they find funny: Burning things
Serious or funny: Funny, will try to be serious when needed, but is bad at it
Sensitive to surroundings: No ;-; bad wisdom
Good hygiene: yes
Body hair or shave: whatever mood she feels like at the time
Jumpy/nervous: Nope
Dense/oblivious: Nope
Clear comebacks or mumbles: Clear comebacks, baby
Do they exercise: If running around burning shit counts/running away from past crewmates, then
What means the world to them: Probably some old guy that lives in the slums, or her current
Books or movies: Movies, why read books when you can burn them?
Favourite book genre: None
Favourite show/movie genre: Action
Like having photos taken of them: Yes
Like selfies: YES
Morning person or night person: Night, you can see the flames better then :)
What’s their ‘special place’: Their lil’ dinghy
Earliest memory: Playing in slums
Happiest memory: Burning down her first boat <3
Saddest memory: Old crewmates provoking her
Any reoccurring dreams: Not yet
How do they see themselves: Powerful, Carefree
How do others see them: Loud, Extroverted, Careless

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