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B.Sc. (Hons.)Agriculture/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture Degree Programme

Mid Semester Examination, November - 2022
Year : II (2017 Syllabus) Time : 1 ½ hr
Semester : IV Max. Marks: 20

(Answer All questions) [30 x 0.5 = 15]
Multiple Choice Questions

A1. The term genetics was coined by

A) Bateson B) Punnet
C) Morgan D) De vries

A2. Theory of acquired characters was proposed by

A) Darwin B) Lamarck
C) Weiseman D) Mendel

A3. Synaptonemal complex develops during

A) Pachytene B) Zygotene
C) Diplotene D) Diakinesis

A4. The term gene, genotype and phenotype was introduced by

A) Johannsen B) Bateson
C) Mendel D) T.H.Morgan

A5. DNA double helix model was proposed by

A) Lederberg & Tatum B) Watson & Crick
C) Kornberg & Thomas D) Beadle & Tatum

A6. Mendel results was rediscovered in the year

A) 1900 B) 1905
C) 1902 D) 1907

A7. Translocation leads to alteration in

A) Gene number B) Sequence of genes
C) Structure of genes D) All of the above

A8. In Mitosis, DNA synthesis takes place during

A) G1 Stage B) S stage
C) G2 stage D) All of these

A9. In Mitosis, the longest phase is

A) Prophase B) Metaphase

C) Anaphase D) Telophase

A10. A chromosome with two identical arms is called

A) B chromosome B) Polytene
C) Lamp brush D) Iso chromosome

A11. Chromosomes are move towards opposite pole during

A) Anaphase B) Metaphase
C) Prophase D) Telophase

A12. The gametic chromosome of a true diploid species is called

A) Basic number B) Haploid number
C) Somatic number D) None of these

A13. Mitosis is also called

A) Homotypic Division B) Equational division
C) Somatic division D) All of These

A14. Crossing Over takes place in

A) Leptotene B) Zygotene
C) Pachytene D) Diplotene

A15. Puffs are found in

A) B chromosome B) Polytene chromosome
C) Lamp brush D) Iso chromosome

A16. Position effect in drosophila is due to

A) Deletion B) Duplication
C) Inversion D) Translocation

A17. At anaphase metacentric chromosome will assume

A) V shape B) J shape
C) Rod shape D) ) L Shape

A18. The inverted segment includes no centromere is called

A) Paracentric Inversion B) Pericentric Inversion
C) Holokinetic D) Metacentric

A19. The gene having masking effect is called as

A) Modifier gene B) Enhancer gene
C) Epistatic gene D) Hypostatic gene

A20. Expression of both alleles in Heterozygote refers to

A) Partial dominance B) Incomplete dominance
C) Codominance D) None of these

A21. Nullisomics is represented as

2n +1 B) 2n -2

C) 2n +2 D) 2n -1

A22. The alternate form of gene is called as

A) Allele B) Phenotype
C) Genotype D) None of these

A23. The diagrammatic representation of karotype is called as

A) Idiotype B) Idiogram
C) Karyogram D) None of these

A24. The reverse of G banding

A) Q banding B) R banding
C) C banding D) None of these

A25. The loss or gain of one or more chromosome from a genome

A) Euploidy B) Aneuploidy
C) Deletion D) Duplication

A26. The genotypic ratio monohybrid cross is

A) 1:2:2 B) 1:2:1
C) 1:3:1 D) 3:1

A27. The chromosome with secondary constriction is referred to as

A) Satellite chromosome B) Acrocentric chromosome
C) Telocentric chromosome D) All these

A28. The shape of chromosome is determined by the position of

A) Centromere B) Chromomere
C) Telomere D) All of these

A29. Degree to which a penetrant gene or genotype is phenotypically expressed

A) Expressivity B) Penetrance
C) Complete penetrance D) Constant expressivity

A30. The lethal effect is expressed in individuals when the alleles are in homozygous state

A) Dominant lethal B) Recessive lethal

C) Balanced lethal D) Semi lethal


(Answer any Five questions only) [5 x 1 = 5]

B1. Write any five differences between prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.

Eukaryotes Prokaryotes
Nucleus Present Absent
Cell Type Usually multicellular Usually unicellular (some
cyanobacteria may be
True Membrane bound Present Absent
Lysosomes and Present Absent

B2. Write short notes on Anaphase

 Shortest phase of mitosis

 Movement of spindle fibres.

B3. Define Pleiotropism with example

• The phenomenon of multiple phenotypic expression of a single gene is called


• Example - the axillary shoot

B4. Mention any two uses of aneuploids in crop improvement?

 Aneuploids are useful tools for locating the genes on a specific

 It helps to develop alien addition and alien substitution line in various crops,

B5. Difference between Heterochromatin and Euchromatin.

 The region of the chromosome, which takes up deep stain during interphase
and prophase, is called heterochromatin
 The region of the chromosome, which takes up little stain during in interphase,
is called euchromatin.

B6. Write short notes on salivary gland chromosome?

 Reported by Balbiani (1881) in salivary glands of Drosophila.

 Alternate light and dark bands, chromosomal puffs are present.


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