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1) I need help for search function of products for my website.

2) I need help for the filter function where I can filter according to:


S$Min-S$Max(Do a placeholder here)

Stock quantity

Min-Max(Do a placeholder here)

**Include a radio button for stocks that are less than 5


2 radio buttons, 1 unavailable another available

2 buttons below:



** filter button will be aligned with the add item button and on the right of the

3) If the stock is Low(<5), show a warning(exclamation mark)for the following

product in the retrieveproducts page.

If the stock=0, in the retrieveProducts show the status of “unavailable in red like
the delete button”.

However, if stock >5, then show “available in green”.

4)Will be able to like upload/update 1 image of the product and show it in the
retrieveProduct pag

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