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Braeden Abram

About Me
My name is Breaden Abram, I’m 18 years old and I’m from Nanaimo, BC. I love
photographing nature but I also enjoy everything else, I’m just best at nature
photos in my opinion. I’m also pretty good at taking peoples portraits and I like
doing it. I’ve been taking photos for quite a while so I have a decent idea of what
I’m doing. I also know how to edit photos to enhance them or alter them. I have
taken 3 courses on photography to learn about cameras and how they work, along
with how to shoot using different photography techniques.
My Works
My Works
My Works
My Works
My Works
One big thing I learned during this course is that there's a lot of different photography methods and
techniques. I’d have to say my favourite project was experimenting with aperture size. I really loved seeing
what kind of effect it had on the photo and I just really love photos with a shallow focus. I really like
shooting nature and photos that are darker and more moody, I think that’s what I'm best at as a
photographer. I didn’t really look to anybody for inspiration in my photos because I don’t really know any
professional photographers, I just did what I thought looked good. Taking photos of out of focus light is my
least favourite form of photography, I think it looks really ugly and it’s not my style at all. Now that the
course is over and I can look back on my works, I’m really surprised at how well my photos turned out, I
had very low expectations of how my photos would turn out but I think I did very well. I’ll definitely be
remembering what I learned in this course for the future. I don’t think I’ll become a professional
photographer but I will be taking photos here and there whenever something catches my eye and I’m
happy to know that I’ll be able to take some pretty good ones. I don’t own I nice professional camera but
thankfully camera technology in smart phones is slowly improving every year so I’ll be able to take photos I
like on the go and maybe one day I’ll buy my own nice camera.

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