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My name is Andra, I am 16 years old and I like to capture

any moment in a good picture. I also like to meet new
people and make friends everywhere I go. Since I was little,
I was passionate about photography and in the future I
want to become a good photographer. I think that in order
to become one, I need to know how to use the device, to
know what components it includes, to edit and know how to
talk to people to find out how their pictures and thus to
offer them the quality they demand. But in addition to
these, I need ambition, dedication and perseverance. I want
to enroll in photography courses to learn as much as
possible about this field. If I manage to become a good
photographer and start making money from it, I want to
open a photography studio. I hope in a few years I will be
able to fulfill this wish and who knows, maybe I will take
pictures of you. 

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