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April Castro




5 year plan

17 going on to 22
5 Years into the past I would have not guessed my situation from now. I thought i

would fly by in High School. 5 years into the past it was 2014. I was 12 years in the 7th

grade. I would have never imagined i would be 2 jobs deep and stressed about my

future. I thought i was going to go to a university with scholarships and have my life

figured out. Me at 17 has no idea what i am doing with my life. I turn 18 in a couple days

and could not feel any more lost in my life. Now thinking 5 years into my future, I'll be 22

years old. I hope i'll get my life together and figure it out. Writing this in a cafe last

minute because that's when i think my best i hope i can stop putting things off and

prioritizing. 5 years from now i want to succeed in my life. I believe that their no [point in

living if you don't strive to achieve your goals. I hope i find my purpose and strive in my


It’s May 14 2019, I graduate on June 7th 2019. Less than a month to go and i still

haven't signed up for college. I hope i do go to college but i do not see it as a priority.

Life is really short to spend every second studying and stress myself out. I seen really

smart people who have to brain and strive to become something better to completely

burn out and not finish their education. As i feel like i'm not capable of completely
furthuring mine. I want to travel and have fun. I see it as you work so hard to further an

education and waste all this time to get a great paying job that you probably don't even

like to not even have the time to spend your hard earned money at a job that's

mediocre. Taking vacations every now and then to keep you sane. I don't want to live a

9-5 job for the rest of my life. As of right now just signing up for college and doing

something with my life while it figure it all out seems right even though it's what i do not

want to do.

All i want in life is to be more than financially stable. I do not want to live check to

check. I really hope that I have more than enough money to spend on things i deserve.

5 years from now hope i have thousands in my bank account. I aspire to be rich and

spending my riches on trips to places where there is the less fortunate as a learning

experience for myself as well as helping other people.

For as long as I can remember i have always said i wanted to be famous. That’s

all i ever known and said. I looked up to models and aspired to be a model. I love the

fast life and want to live it. Staying up super late and sleeping in while being around a

bunch of people you just meet is what i like. Living on the edge and having spontaneous

adventures with people who are down for anything is what life is about. 5 years from

now, i hope i live this fast life and become a model. Growing up with my sister having

tons of magazines of these celebrities and models lit up my eye and i hope my future i

live what i looked up to. Now as High School graduation is coming up, i have no idea

what classes i want to take when all i had in my mind was becoming a socialite. Looking
up to people like Paris Hilton and striving for a similar life. I hope I live my life to the

fullest without any regrets and get everything I truly deserve. I have trust in god and

knows that anything that happens for a reason and hope i can handle my life.

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