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Five Years Later

Five years from now seem like it’ll be a long time from where we are now, but if there's

one luxury we are barely able to afford now if any of it is time. Time is something we hardly have

left in our daily lives, we often put things till the next day and before we know five years have

passed before us and we are still in the same place where we wanted to start something new. A

lot can happen in five years and I plan on making every single second of the day make it worth

and make it as my life depends on it, because in all reality it does. However, you decide to

spend every single of your life is how you mold your future. For me, I plan on attending Fresno

State, working part-time and attempting to be part of the Fresno State Wrestling team.

Seems like I have my future planned out right?? Well, in all honesty, its easier said than

done. There's gonna be times where I will feel like giving up on my dream, certain setbacks as

well as things that will be completely out of my control, and all I’ll do is sit and ask myself will it

all be worth staying here? Will it be worth spending another four years of my life behind a desk,

when I can simply just work twenty-four seven? I’ll wonder this to the bitter end and then ill look

again to how far I had come and say “it’ll definitely be worth it.“ So far this will be a quick

summary of what my first year of college will look like, and during my time there I plan on

wrestling for Fresno State as a walk-on. Sure, everyone, there will have an advantage on me

with all of them having more experience than me but in the end, it doesn’t matter all of us have

the same goal and that is to become an NCAA champion. Through hard work and dedication

these dreams are able to become true even if all odds are against us in the bitter end we all

want the same thing to be the greatest. By the time of my second year of college i'll have a

better understanding of what life in Fresno State will be. Will I still be working part time at panda

express and focus on school and also focus on my goal of being NCAA champ? Life right now

as it is still a blur the only truly way to tell will be when the time comes. I still have a lot of

growing up to do and a lot to explore the world for on my own.

Hopefully by the time four years pass I’ll have my life settled down for a bit and in the

end it’ll be a better understanding of what it means to be focused on achieving better and

greater goals. Goals where I can achieve and still be able to do the things I enjoy on doing on

my free time. Life is one endless rollercoaster ride that will be result with many ups and downs

and when the time comes for it to end i'll look back and wonder if i truly did the best, if all of my

achievements came true if all I did was a great impact on my family, and if they can truly say to

be proud of me to the bitter end.

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