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Graduation Speech

Good evening everyone, I just want to give my personal welcome to all of our guests here
tonight, and congratulate all of my fellow graduates here with me. I'm very honored to get to
come up here and speak in front of you all, and I would just like to share a little bit of my story
with you.

Just 4 years ago, in the heat of the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent my freshman year mostly in my
room listening to a lecture shared through a computer screen. Just 4 years ago, I was in the
middle of my family splitting apart, learning the new role I'd have to fill, being the big sister
after my abusive mother walked out. Just 4 years ago, my family was coming out of
homelessness. Still leaving me to worry if I'd have a roof over my head that night. Just 4 years
ago, I couldn't see the point in life anymore. Just 4 years ago I could not imagine seeing myself
on this stage, or having the desire to willingly come forward and speak in front of hundreds of
people like I have the privilege to tonight. Looking out at all of my fellow students who have
worked so hard to be here alongside one another today is yet another reminder of how far we
have all come in such a short yet memorable time in our lives. I genuinely and wholeheartedly
believe that if not for this school, what El Capitan represents, the staff and community here on
this campus, I would not be who I am today.

I've LEARNED, Learned to accept myself even through failure. I grew up believing I had to be
perfect in every which way or else I wasn't enough, especially through my academics. In every
single AP exam I have taken though all my years here, I failed. Every last one. And it ate at me.
But, time moved on, and so did I. The world didn't end over a bad test score. The world didn't
even end when I wanted it to. Every time I felt like I couldn't stand it anymore, I found myself on
my own two feet.

I've grown to LOVE. Love myself through years of therapy and acceptance. In participating in
the Careers In Education program provided here on our campus, being a role model for a class
of 5 and 6 year old students, whose unconditional and pure love for me, gave me purpose.
Purpose to strive forward, to give them a better future. The kind of future I wish I had someone
prepare for me.

I've become a LEADER. This last year, I had the privilege to further dive into my passion for
FCS by becoming an officer in the FCCLA organization here on campus. With that position, I
have built connections and expanded my network in places I never would have expected. I have
gotten to compete at region and state level, placing 1st and ##, and have qualified for nationals
taking place at the end of this month. It brings me joy, knowing I have my advisor, fellow
competitors, officers, friends and family to support me and make proud.
And with all I have LEARNED, all that I have LOVED, and all I've gotten to LEAD, I too, can
LEAVE A LEGACY. Only you can know your story for all it is, but it's up to you to grow from
it. To share it. To make it yours. You don't get to choose your circumstances, but you do get to
choose what you do with them. Be proud of who you are, who you were, and who you will
become. Thank you, and congratulations to the class of 2024. You deserve to be here.

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